Diversity Dynamics

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Working to Maximize Human Potential
and Preserve the American Dream

Training, strategic planning,
and program development
for organizations seeking to adapt
to changing ethnic and cultural patterns
in American communities

Making Immigration Work
for All Americans -- Making Diversity
a Source of Shared Strength

Diversity Dynamics
 offers training and consulting services in a range of areas, with particular attention to the challenges and opportunities associated with immigration to the United States in the 21st century.

Our work is based on the belief that immigration can be a continuing source of innovation, renewal, and prosperity for all Americans, but only if our leaders -- whether in government, business, education, philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector -- adhere to values of equality and inclusiveness and follow policies designed to promote the integration of immigrants into local communities.

According to the 2020 report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), there are roughly 272 million migrants world-wide, comprising 3.5 percent of the world's population, set in motion by the three "D's" of development, demography, and democracy.

Visit the

American Immigrant Policy Portal

A Service of Diversity Dynamics in partnership with The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc., Public Education Institute


Although mobility has largely ground to a halt during the panedemic, most signs point to further increases in human mobility in the years ahead, with impacts beyond traditional countries and areas of immigrant settlement. Although one could argue whether there is too much or too little immigration, the real question, according to the IOM, is quite different. "International migration is an established feature of contemporary economic, social and political life, driven by unstoppable forces of globalization and demography...the real question is how to manage migration for the benefit of all."

Created in 2006, Diversity Dynamics offers customized solutions to the problems faced by organizations working to adapt to ethnic and cultural change. We identify best practices and translate cutting edge research into practical solutions, bridging the academic and policy worlds. Effective interventions require not only specialized knowledge but also the ability to work with, and learn from, people from diverse cultural and lingusitic backgrounds and to involve them in the research and decision-making process.

Diversity Dynamics
builds on the experience of generations of Americans who have toiled to create a welcoming and cosmopolitan society. Through trial and error, we have learned how to make diversity work for all Americans. As we witness the tragic toll of intergroup hatred and hostility around the world, and even regrettably in our own country, we must recommit to the values and practices that have made the country an example and an inspiration to the rest of the world.

Let us help you achieve your diversity-related goals. 




Remember that when you say
"I will have none of this exile
and this stranger for his face
is not like my face
and his speech is strange,"
you have denied America with that word.

--Stephen Vincent Benet