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Study examines how first and second generation immigrants may offset the expected future decline in U.S. workers due to aging and low birth rates
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Paper critiques arguments against birthright citizenship made by John Eastman, a longtime Trump advisor who is facing disbarment proceedings due to his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection
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Paper details ten "extreme" immigration measures likely to be implemented by the incoming Trump administration
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Paper details the policy reforms necessary to maximize the economic gains from immigration
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Paper suggests ways that bipartisan immigration reform can be accomplished in the new Congress
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Paper examines how employers in several European countries have engaged in pilot labor pathway programs for refugees
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Paper questions the many unnecessary obstacles to recognizing the foreign-earned qualifications of immigrants seeking positions in early childhood education and care
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Paper lauds the efforts of some state governments that have eased licensing requirements for high-skilled, foreign-trained immigrants
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Study shows the favorable effects of immigration on the wages of less educated, U.S.-born workers
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Report stresses the critical importance of the U.S. STEM workforce, drawn from both international and domestic sources, in fostering innovation, economic competitiveness, and national security
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Paper examines the "brain waste" problem of immigrants in Europe and recommends policies and practices to correct the problem
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Paper argues that Democrats and Republicans, while still differing in other immigration-related areas, have a similar approach to border management
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Examining the role of unauthorized immigrants in the American economy and their connection with U.S.-born family members, paper argues that a mass deportation program would "socially and economically devastate American families
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Paper explains recent trends in the size of the undocumented population in the U.S., e.g. gradual decline in numbers over the last decade followed by a recent increase to 10.9 million
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Paper discusses the resurgence of the U.S. refugee resettlement program during the Biden administration
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Paper examines rule of law arguments against the legalization of unauthorized immigrants and concludes that the "sparingly used corrective mechanism" of collective legalization deserves occasional consideration
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Report explains how human language translators in the healthcare field should review, and if necessary, correct the products of (AI)-based translation services
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Report disputes the claim that immigrants are displacing U.S.-born Black workers
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Report stresses the growing importance of immigrant-origin students in U.S. higher education
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Study calls attention to the special vulnerabilities of refugee women and how their problems are not fully addressed in existing refugee conventions
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United Nations publishes the World Migration Report 2024 -- a comprehensive analysis of global migration trends
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Essay summarizes the history of the American legal immigration system and calls attention to the problems associated with per-country visa caps and the limited number of employment-related visas 
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Report reviews the 535 executive actions on immigration during the first three years of the Biden administration and calls attention to the ballooning population of immigrants (ca. 2.3 million) now living in the U.S. with "liminal legal status"
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Collection of articles tries to capture the immigration-related thoughts and views of Americans living in the southern borderlands of the U.S.
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Study urges the creation of a more effective border asylum system, one that avoids the chaos of mass crossings but supports a responsive international protection system
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Study analyzes the immigration court backlog and suggests way to correct the problem
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Paper suggests that "migration stigma" can set off a cascade of negative health consequences for immigrants and urges researchers to focus on this problem in the future
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CBO report estimates the effects of the recent immigration surge on the federal budget
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Study examines the plight of migrant children working under hazardous and illegal conditions and how this growing problem can be resolved
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Report discusses the growing number of temporary (H-2A) workers in American agriculture, along with implications for the future
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Paper examines the high-growth occupations reliant on undocumented workers in New York State
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World leaders propose a detailed policy framework to address the challenges posed by climate-related migration
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Based on an estimate of 216 million people displaced globally by climate change by 2050, paper urges passage of U.S. legislation granting visas to persons compelled to leave their home countries due to climate change
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Paper argues that the effective management of migration requires careful collaboration with other countries
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According to this paper reviewing the century-old immigration law of 1924, which showed deep prejudice against certain ethnic and racial groups, many of today's immigration restrictionists also have hostile attitudes towards some groups
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Study finds that regions experiencing a loss of population due to emigration, both domestic and international, tend to be regions where populist radical right parties predominate
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Paper provides data about the growing number of immigrants serving in the American military
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Paper highlights the work of two immigrant-led organizations that are helping foreign-trained healthcare workers to reenter the healthcare field in the U.S.
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Study calls attention to widespread shortfalls in providing language access to federal programs, especially those administered by state and local governments, and makes recommendations to correct the problem
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Paper marshals data to suggest that large-scale immigration is actually advancing the interests of the U.S.-born workforce
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Report provides data on the educational challenges faced by recent immigrant children, including dropout rates, and urges school systems to carefully track their educational Progress
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Paper provides a detailed overview of the U.S. asylum system as part of a 5-country research project; contends that the current system "fails to meet its objectives"
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Issue brief profiles the troubling experiences of 255 immigrants deported from the U.S., who had spent an average of 17 years in the U.S. prior to deportation
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Paper calls attention to the enormous growth of electronic monitoring in the American criminal and legal immigration systems and recommends reforms to track the system and eliminate abuses
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Census Bureau issues detailed demographic report on the foreign-born population in the U.S.
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Report examines demographic characteristics of Black immigrants in the U.S. and lists organizations that specialize in working with them
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Paper reviews research on the negative affects of mobility restrictions during the COVID pandemic and suggests way to prevent such outcomes in the future
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Paper examines the effectiveness of formal agreements between sending and receiving countries to facilitate the migration of immigrants with specific skill sets
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As more and more U.S. jobs demand well-educated workers, study examines the post-secondary training levels of immigrants and their descendants from various backgrounds
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Paper makes the case for the development of a local "welcoming infrastructure" for the growing number of migrants uprooted by climate change
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Essay explains the climate challenges faced by Iran due to drought, floods, and extreme heat and the impact of these developments on internal and external migration
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Report summarizes efforts by the U.S. immigration system to achieve greater digital efficiency but points out that these reforms could easily be reversed
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Study reviews state efforts to expand immigrant eligibility for healthcare insurance coverage and discusses the long-term advantages of greater federal and state coverage
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Reports released on the role of immigrants in the New York, Massachusetts, and Michigan healthcare sectors
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Report summarizes legislation introduced in Congress in recent years to admit foreign-trained healthcare workers to fill labor shortages
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Report describes the contributions of DACA recipients to their communities, as well as the barriers they still face lacking security of status and a pathway to citizenship
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Report discusses state efforts to refine K-12 accountability systems so that progress in acquiring English language proficiency is factored into assessments of academic performance
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Report discusses recent state efforts to eliminate systemic barriers to economic and career mobility for immigrant populations
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Paper argues that an increase in immigration alone is not a viable solution to below replacement birth rates in Europe and North America and that governments must promote the "more children model"
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Essay analyzes the severely restrictive immigration policies of the conservative Heritage Foundation, which may serve as a blueprint for immigration policy under a second Trump administration
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Report assesses the growth and effectiveness of private refugee sponsorship programs in Europe and North America
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Report reviews state efforts to expand health insurance coverage for immigrants
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Paper argues that an increase in employment-based immigration will strengthen U.S. national security
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Report urges creation of a "bridge visa" to eliminate shortcomings in the legal immigration system
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New York City Comptroller weighs the impact of recent immigrants on New York's economy
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Research assesses the fiscal impact of the 3 million refugees and asylees resettled in the U.S. since 1980
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Study examines how Trump and non-Trump Republicans Differ on Immigration Policy
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Despite the creation of an "Age, Gender, and Diversity Policy" by the U.N. refugee agency, report finds a lack of gender-informed policy and practice within three refugee populations in Asia
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Paper proposes a major "reconceptualization" of the current U.S. asylum system eliminating the "exceptionality" of asylum grants
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Study details the time and steps involved in preparing a complete asylum application
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Study examines, and suggests improvements in, the community consultation process of the U.S. refugee resettlement system
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Paper critiques the lack of coordinated hemispheric response to the displacement of Haitian migrants
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Study examines the impact on origin countries of the migration of trained healthcare workers to developed countries
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Study discusses record-setting increases in global spending on immigration enforcement benefitting companies in the military and security industries but not addressing the push factors of migration
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Paper explains why southern border crossings are happening in an ostensibly legal manner at official ports of entry, rather than illegally at other locations
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What were the top ten migration issues of 2023? Paper attempts to list and explain them
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Essay critiques the plenary powers doctrine which gives Congress and the Executive Branch a blank check to manage immigration, often with racist intent or outcomes
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Michigan issues report on how to remove licensure barriers for foreign-trained medical professionals
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Study explains the gravity of the direct care workforce shortage in the U.S. and recommends a series of bipartisan legislative and administrative solutions to the problem, including immigration reforms
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Study finds that mixed-status immigrant families (where one or more members are undocumented) experience much higher levels of material hardship than other families
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What are the effects of climate change on global migration? New paper seeks to provide some answers
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Report reveals changes in the number and nationality backgrounds of undocumented immigrants over the last decade
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Report calls for a bipartisan effort to implement immigration reforms that would alleviate the grave shortage of direct care workers in the healthcare sector
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Study attempts to measure the positive economic impact of legislation to clear the green card backlog, which has grown to an estimated 7.6 million individuals
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Study estimates the wage gains if asylum seekers are granted work authorization
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Study finds evidence of worker exploitation in the H-1B visa program and urges the Biden administration to issue new regulations, policy guidance, and other rules that would restore the program to its original congressional intent
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Examining every county in the U.S. from 1850 to 1940, researchers find evidence that "surname diversity" is a strong driver of economic innovation
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Study calls for the elimination of "punitive" actions taken by federal agencies against legal immigrants to the U.S. -- actions which limit their freedom and place unnecessary burdens upon them
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Study examines the reasons why Mexican drug cartels have taken control of human smuggling across the southern border and suggests policy approaches to weaken their control
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Study examines the plight of DACA program participants, who are worried about the possible consequences of an adverse court ruling ending the program
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Paper documents the growing number of immigrant-origin students in U.S. higher education and how these students have bolstered enrollment at a time of declining numbers of U.S.-born students
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Paper explains the recent surge in emigration from Nicaragua and how the exodus has impacted neighboring countries including Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, and the United States
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Government report details efforts by the Biden administration to improve the rights and working conditions of temporary H-2B foreign workers
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Study discusses the vital role of immigrant-origin students in the U.S. higher education system -- now accounting for 31% of all college students in the U.S.
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Report calls attention to shortcomings in the workforce development and adult education systems that deny immigrant access to these systems
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Study examines "green reintegration" programs, i.e. programs seeking to return migrants to their countries of origin after having fled climate-related disasters
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Report analyzes the crisis facing the U.S. immigration court system and suggests reforms to improve court performance
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Report analyzes the financial strain experienced by cities around the country working to integrate asylum seekers and other migrants
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Report examines the role of community foundations in helping to build inclusive and welcoming communities for immigrants
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Report discusses the "demographic crisis" facing the American economy caused by low birth rates and an aging population and how immigration might help ease the crisis 
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Report sketches a portrait of the Filipino immigrant community in the U.S.
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Study finds evidence that the failure of states to provide health insurance coverage to migrants leads to inadequate pregnancy and maternal care resulting in poor health outcomes
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Study calls attention to the enormous amount of federal money spent on immigration enforcement -- 12 times the amount spent on labor standards enforcement for 144 million American workers
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Report examines the history, demographics, and significance of the H-1B visa program for high-skilled workers
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Report reviews how COVID funding helped to "move the needle on equitable and adequate education funding for English learners."
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Paper takes an in-depth look at the history and purpose of temporary protected status in the U.S., including a listing of groups that have benefitted from this designation since its creation in 1990
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Report recommends a comprehensive set of policy and administrative reforms to improve the handling of asylum seekers crossing the southern border
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Research brief examines the size and potential of the undocumented postsecondary student population in the U.S. and urges state officials to implement policies to advance their education and integration into the larger economy
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Paper ponders the future of the soaring number of immigrants in the U.S. in "limbo status," i.e. various forms of temporary legal status often expiring in two years time
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Report reveals the plight of immigrant home health care aides, whose labor rights are often violated, resulting in reduced quality of care for older Americans
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New analysis of Fortune 500 companies finds that 44.8% of them were founded by immigrants or their children
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Survey provides insight into the experiences and overall impact of immigrant nurses in the U.S.
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Paper makes the case for granting voting rights to non-citizens in local elections
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Paper examines the scope of the "global fertility collapse" and its link to economic decline and the rise of authoritarian populism
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Paper argues that the current U.S. immigration system imposes severe restrictions on legal immigration, thereby putting the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage with other countries
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Paper examines the recent surge in state activism on immigration-related matters
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Paper calls attention to the lack of interpreter and translator services in the U.S. asylum system
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Study takes an in-depth look at the reasons for the U.S. immigration court backlog of 1.8 million cases and recommends a series of reforms to address the problem
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Paper examines incarceration rates for immigrants compared to the U.S.-born population over more than 100 years of American history
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Paper examines the physical and psychological harm done to migrant children by the Trump-era family separation policy
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Study traces the connection between restrictive immigration policies and poor health outcomes for highly educated immigrants
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Paper examines the economic impact of refugees arriving in the U.S. since 1975
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What can be done to reclaim American leadership in recruiting talented international students to American universities?  Paper proposes five solutions
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Paper considers the U.S. treatment of Afghan refugees since the fall of Kabul as the "latest episode in the long history of racism" in American immigration policy
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Survey estimates the frequency of acts of hate and discrimination directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. and offers recommendations to reduce the "ongoing, pervasive, and unchecked discrimination" experienced by them
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Stating that immigration has become "the civil rights issue of our time," study shows how nativist politicians in the U.S., the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile follow similar anti-immigrant scripts to acquire and retain power
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Study calls attention to the declining size of the overall undocumented population in the U.S. and provides estimates for groups that declined by 10,000 or more over the last decade (14 countries) and those that increased by 10,000 (10 countries)
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National Survey of Chinese-Americans reveals a wealth of information about one of the fastest growing population groups in the U.S.
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Report discusses the systemic, cultural, and administrative challenges facing immigrants seeking to enroll in Medicaid programs
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Study reviews the accomplishments of the Unaccompanied Children's Program over the last 20 years and identifies problems that still need to be addressed
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Study makes the case for a substantial increase in the number of high-skilled immigrants allowed into the country, while lowering or eliminating admissions in other categories
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Report calls attention to the remarkable role of immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S.-based artificial intelligence industry
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Report examines the challenges faced by K-12 English language learners in accessing career and technical education and offers recommendations to address the problem
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Paper examines the growing and sometimes partisan role of the judicial branch in setting immigration policy
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Paper examines the number of refugees resettled in each of the 50 states in proportion to the overall state population
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Set of papers published on the worldwide problem of forced and prolonged human displacement, along with recommendations for new and creative approaches to deal with the problem
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Study analyzes the availability of "charitable legal professionals" to represent undocumented immigrants in immigration legal proceedings in all 50 states
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MPI provides recommendations on immigrant integration issues to the newly-formed Federal Task Force on New Americans
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Report provides data on global migration trends, including top sending and receiving countries, migrant remittances, and the number of humanitarian migrants
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Report examines the challenges faced by unaccompanied migrant children in gaining access to medical and mental health care and makes recommendations for follow-up action by governments, health systems, schools and communities 
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Report provides a demographic and socioeconomic profile of the 2.8 million immigrants working in the U.S. healthcare industry
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Survey of more than 2,500 human resources professionals yields a wealth of information on corporate attitudes towards immigrants and the U.S. immigration system
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Paper calls for greater strategic thinking, broad stakeholder involvement, and improved data collection in determining the role that immigrants should play in easing future labor shortages
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Study analyzes the institutional capacity and response of three southern communities that received an influx of climate migrants: Houston, Orlando, and inland parishes of Louisiana
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Paper critiques the slow pace of policy change to deal with the worldwide growth of climate-induced migration
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As California ponders the future of immigration to the state, new study lays out future scenarios and related policy options
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Paper sketches the blueprint for a "better future for American democracy" based on creative visioning, the rejection of despair, the mobilization of diverse forces behind common goals, and the building of an infrastructure for positive change
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Report provides a demographic profile of the Venezuelan immigrant population in the U.S.
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Study calls attention to the critical importance of immigrants in the nursing home workforce and how their presence seems to lead to positive health outcomes
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Study examines the worrisome impact of restrictive policies on immigrant access to SNAP (Food Stamps) benefits
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Study identifies 21 possible executive actions in the area of immigration that would ease labor shortages in the U.S. economy
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Study analyzes "weak link" occupations in the U.S. labor market, defined as those heavily dependent on immigrant labor to meet future need
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New study finds that immigrants contribute more in tax revenues than they consume in government expenditures
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Study seeks to understand factors leading to the successful economic integration of college-educated immigrants
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Report analyzes the reasons why some countries refuse to accept the return of deportees and discusses the scope of the problem
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Paper warns of the threat to human rights of the "everywhere border"-- a digital migration control infrastructure involving authorities in other countries
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Report calls attention to innovative policies and programs implemented by cities around the world reacting to an influx of climate-induced migrants
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Study finds serious flaws in the administrative capacity of immigration courts resulting in due process failures and unfair deportations
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Report sketches a statistical profile of the 1.7 million undocumented immigrants holding a bachelor's degree or higher
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Report examines the size and socioeconomic characteristics of the Asian Indian immigrant population in the U.S.
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Report published on the size, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics of the Chinese immigrant population in the U.S.
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13 state fact sheets document the vital role played by immigrants in the American health care system
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Study finds that U.S.-born low-income workers derive benefit from the hiring of low-income immigrant workers
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Massachusetts takes the lead in helping to integrate internationally trained health workers into the health care system
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By arguing for "hybrid status" for immigrants, legal scholar seeks to avoid negative consequences for immigrants no longer classified as "independent contractors" by state law
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Using survey data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIACC), researchers argue for greater attention to the problem of skill underutilization among college-educated immigrants in the US
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Who are the migrants being transported to northern cities by southern governors? Report provides an explanation and a critique of the effort
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Report turns a spotlight on how faulty and unreliable foreign data harms the interest of immigrants seeking asylum and other forms of protection in the U.S.
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Study examines the effectiveness of New York's Excluded Worker Fund in meeting the needs of immigrants without legal status during the pandemic
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Report chronicles a decade of state immigrant rights victories
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Study sheds light on the experiences of mixed status families with stimulus checks during the pandemic
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Report discusses the growing and burdensome number of "recruitment costs" that migrant laborers must absorb in order to take jobs in other countries
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Paper makes the case for federal impact aid to localities with a high concentration of recently-arrived immigrants, especially those with low levels of education
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Using a database of 230 million people, paper analyzes the outsized role that immigrants play in stimulating economic innovation in the U.S.
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Report discusses strategies to boost immigrant participation in apprenticeship programs designed to combat labor shortages in the early childhood education and care systems and to bring more multilingual workers into the early childhood field
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Report surveys the landscape of current efforts to provide workforce development and career advancement services to immigrants and points out areas where new models and investments are needed
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Report stresses the importance of serving immigrants in federal and state adult education programs designed to help participants acquire occupational credentials
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MPI publishes 25 state fact sheets on the growing number and characteristics of families with children who are dual language learners
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Paper calls for a sweeping overhaul of the nation's immigration system to align with the needs of the economy
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Paper emphasizes the importance of working together with other nations in the Americas to manage migration and draws attention to promising initiatives already underway
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Study finds that the number of people worldwide enduring conditions of modern slavery has risen to almost 50 million
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Report chronicles recent victories in the movement to end immigrant detention in the U.S.
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Report examines trends in the issuance of temporary visas over the last two decades
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Report assesses the extent of limited English proficiency among Asian American populations and stresses the importance of language accessibility in order to achieve health equity 
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Report finds evidence of burnout among staff of immigrant service organizations and urges funders to provide resources to address the problem
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Report on international students discusses the importance of post-study work opportunities in the U.S. and the obstacles to securing access to them
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Study examines the role and impact of foreign-born athletes in the World Cup
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Study urges environmentalists and immigrant rights advocates to work together to ensure that the needs of migrants are factored into "green new deal" planning
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Paper explains why nearly 4 million people with approved family immigration petitions are stuck in backlogs and recommends ways to relieve the problem
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Paper argues that the H-2B seasonal worker program, if properly administered, could reduce irregular migration from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
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TRAC paper compiles data on, and examines the reasons for, the sharp increase in case completions at the nation's immigration courts
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Legal scholar takes issue with those on the left opposing greater public funding for legal services for immigrants in deportation proceedings
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Paper offers both praise and criticism for the sweeping changes in the American asylum process recently introduced by the Biden administration
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What strategies will help countries implement evidence-based policymaking in the field of immigrant integration?  Paper from MPI looks at this issue in the European context
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MPI publishes statistical profile of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa
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Data Interactive from the American Immigration Council examines current and projected job openings in specific industries in the U.S. and the role of immigrants in meeting future labor force needs
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Paper argues that the world needs to develop new approaches to, and perhaps even new international conventions on, citizenship acquisition for migrant populations
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Report examines the impact of the 2018 "Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration," which seeks to foster international cooperation on migration management
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Report describes the plight of tens of thousands of Haitians residing in Mexico and offers recommendations to improve their treatment
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Study finds that the sudden drop in refugee admissions during the Trump presidency has no discernible effect on crime rates in localities previously receiving large numbers of refugees
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Report faults the immigration court system for giving weight to "prejudicial and unreliable" police reports in making detention and deportation decisions
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Study seeks to develop a reasonable and measurable definition of "border security" so as to better evaluate immigration law enforcement efforts
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Paper argues that immigration restrictions severely constrain the economic liberty of native-born Americans, jeopardize American prosperity, and even deny opportunity to the poor and disadvantaged
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MPI publishes a demographic portrait of the Vietnamese immigrant community in the U.S.
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Despite a generally favorable policy environment in New York City, CMS report finds that fear and language barriers still keep immigrants in the city from accessing public benefits and services
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National Academies report stresses the importance of immigration in maintaining U.S. leadership in technology innovation -- a goal crucial to the nation's security, economic prosperity and quality of life
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MPI report calls attention to the growing language access needs of families with children in early childhood programs
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Report finds that the busing strategy of some GOP governors provides real benefits to some asylum-seekers, while also relieving pressure on border communities
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MPI report discusses the limitations of "parole status" for Afghan and Ukrainian refugees and urges the passage of legislation giving them a pathway to permanent residence
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MPI report finds serious shortcomings in providing services to asylum recipients in the U.S. and urges the federal government to develop a national system of outreach and referral to better serve this population
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Study argues that the Supreme Court's "plenary power doctrine," barring constitutional review of immigration policies, must be overturned to eliminate systemic racism in immigration law
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The American Immigration Council, in partnership with Welcoming America and the Intergroup Relations and Social Justice Lab at the University of Massachusetts, publishes "A Guide to Building Bridges and Meaningful Connections Between Groups"
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CMS report discusses the number, countries of origin, years of residence, and demographic characteristics of the undocumented agricultural workforce in the U.S.
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Report from the Congressional Budget Office views immigration as a crucial factor preventing future population decline in the U.S.
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Report from the Economic Policy Institute calls for major reforms to the H-2B seasonal worker visa program
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After convening a series of stakeholder conversations to discuss needed reforms to the U.S. employment-based immigration system, the Bipartisan Policy Center has published a report detailing areas of agreement, as well as points of difference
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Examining the City of Orlando's response to the influex of Puerto Ricans after hurricane Maria in 2017, report discusses steps that cities can take to prepare for mass migrations due to climate change
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CAP report makes the case for humane, community-based alternatives to immigrant detention which produce high rates of check-ins and court appearances
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Study offers an explanation as to why anti-immigrant voters have a greater impact on public policy even though they are a minority
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Study analyzes 200,000 congressional speeches and 5,000 presidential communications related to immigration since 1880 and finds that political speech on the subject has become more positive, but also more polarized
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CMS study explores the demographic characteristics of the estimated 1.7 million undocumented Asian and Pacific Islander immigrants in the U.S.
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MPI publishes a report on the size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics of the Ukrainian immigrant population in the U.S., prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
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MPI report takes an in-depth look at how two different communities (Worthington, MN, and Harris County, Texas) provided relief and recovery assistance to immigrants barred from receving federal COVID assistance
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MPI report examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrant communities in the U.S., including the immigrant role in providing essential services, infection and death rates, and efforts on the part of states and localities to fill gaps in federal assistance
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Report recommends a range of reforms to immigration systems, including the issuance of "digital nomad visas," to reap the potential of remote work to advance economic development
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Study analyzes the techniques used by propagandists for the "Great Replacement Theory" to win adherents and draws lessons for building a persuasive counter-narrative to win over the "moveable middle" of the American electorate
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New research shows that today's immigrants are integrating as quickly and successfully as those of a century ago
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Report analyzes overstay rates of people admitted to the U.S. as non-immigrants, e.g. tourists, students
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DHS reports to Congress on the status of Afghans admitted to the U.S. after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan
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Report provides a demographic portrait of the Afghan population in the U.S. prior to the arrival of evacuees after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 
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Research uncovers the factors causing poor health outcomes and less access to health care for immigrants in New York City
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Research highlights the importance of immigrant workers in the New York City construction industry, as well as their vulnerability to exploitation and dangerous working conditions
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Report analyzes the characteristics and contributions of foreign-born STEM workers -- now almost a quarter of all STEM workers in the U.S.
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Report finds that 64% of "unicorn" companies in the U.S., i.e. privately-held, start-up companies valued at $1 billion or more, were founded by immigrants or their children
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Report calls attention to shortcomings in New Jersey's assistance to immigrant workers during the pandemic
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Report traces the history of border walls and analyzes the reasons for their current popularity, even though such walls are largely ineffective in stopping the illicit movement of people and goods
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Paper quantifies the loss to the American economy from the 86% drop in refugee admissions since 2017
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Study finds that "sanctuary" policies seem to reduce crime in local communities, thus contradicting the assumption behind the "Secure Communities" program, i.e. that collaboration with ICE by local law enforcement will improve public safety
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Study documents government surveillance and harassment of immigrant organizers in the U.S.
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Wasted human resources in Illinois: MPI report examines the plight of foreign-trained immigrant health care professionals whose skills remain underutilized despite a growing need for health care personnel in the state
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Why is the world full of misperceptions about immigration? New report details the nature of these misperceptions, why they are so prevalent, and how they might be combatted
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Report calls attention to the negative health consequences of immigration surveillance systems and urges steps to limit information-sharing with immigration agencies, including the creation of "health care sanctuaries"
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Study argues that restrictions on immigrant access to public benefits is a form of "structural discrimination," harmful to an entire generation of children brought up in immigrant homes
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Bipartisan Policy Center takes a deep dive into immigrant entrepreneurship in the U.S., examining the motivations of entrepreneurs, their contributions to the economy, and what local communities are doing to spur their success
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Report examines the disproportionate educational losses of English language learners in 19 California school districts during the pandemic
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The International Organization for Migration (IOM) publishes its flagship world migration report compiling global data on migration and covering recent trends in the field
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MPI report examines the recent spike in maritime migration from the Caribbean area and how those interdicted at sea are denied the opportunity to apply for asylum
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MPI analyzes proposed Biden rule to revamp asylum procedures at the southern border by authorizing asylum officers to hear entire cases, thereby bypassing the clogged immigration court system
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Report highlights shortcomings in immigration courtroom procedures that impede due process for immigrants, e.g. deficiencies in video conferencing and lack of quality interpreting services
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Vera Institute report sets forth the arguments for creating a federal defender system for immigrants in deportation proceedings
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CMS publishes a profile of undocumented immigrant women giving their countries of origin, states of residence, educational background, occupational status, and eligibility for permanent residence under pending bills in Congress
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DHS releases an analysis of refugee arrivals (and grants of asylum) in fiscal year 2020 - only 11,840 refugees admitted (a 60% decline over the previous year)
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Urban Institute releases a report detailing the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of working-age immigrants with disabilities
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MPI report examines the extent of digital access and literacy among immigrant-origin adolescents and makes a number of recommendations to achieve greater digital equity for this population
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MPI report traces the historical evolution of the U.S. immigration system, down to today's political stalemate, which, the author argues, has prolonged the life of an "antiquated, inflexible" system
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Report from Unbound Philanthropy urges philanthropic support for intersectional work to align groups active in the immigration and environmental justice fields 
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National Conference of State Legislatures publishes annual report on state immigration laws and resolutions
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MPI report discusses the significance of framing and terminology in shaping attitudes on migration
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MPI publishes an analysis of the size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics of the Korean immigrant population in the US
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MPI study reviews the long history of vaccination requirements for crossing international borders in order to prevent the spread of infectious disease
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Study calls attention to the dire consequences of excluding children in immigrant families from anti-poverty programs and the social safety net 
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Report analyzes the severity of the skills gap in the tech sector and urges congressional action to increase high-skilled immigration to remedy the problem
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DHS study on naturalizations in fiscal year 2020 shows a 26% drop in numbers from the previous year (to 628,000) 
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MPI study questions the effectiveness of the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Program (IELCE) in meeting the language learning needs of the adult immigrant population
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MPI report analyzes the extent to which millions of Venezuelan refugees have been integrated into the economies of Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Peru, and Ecuador
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Report traces the migration of Haitians through the Americans from 2010 to the present, with special attention to their settlement in Brazil and Chile
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MPI report reviews the growing phenomenon of African migration through the Americas and suggests appropriate responses for governments in the region
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Paper argues for a complete revamping of the U.S. immigration system based on the sale of immigrant visas for $80,000
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Study examines the efforts of the Carnegie Corporation of New York to promote alliance-building on immigration policy across partisan lines
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National Immigration forum explains the genesis of, and warns of the threat posed by, the "Great Replacement Theory"
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Paper finds that demographic change, i.e. the rapid rise of the immigrant population in a particular locality, rather than the actual size of that population, causes the spread of nativist sentiment
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Paper provides a demographic profile of Ukrainian immigrants granted temporary protected status in the U.S.
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Paper finds that the current "complaint" system for exposing workplace safety violation is deeply flawed, especially for immigrant workers
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Study describes the contours of a new form of sustainable economics based on greater social equity and mutual cooperation
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Paper traces the struggle of Chinese-Americans for U.S. citizenship even after birthright citizenship was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1898
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MPI report examines the growing problem of backlogs in immigration case processing which "undermines the U.S. immigration system"
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CMS report explores the growing trend among states to provide Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs) to federal tax filers using Individudal Tax Identification Numbers (ItiNs), most of whom are undocumented immigrants
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In dealing with the plight of Afghan refugees today, CMS report sees lessons to be learned from the global response to the Indochinese refugee crisis a half century ago
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MPI report critiques the current immigration detention system and sketches the outline of a redesigned system that is more humane, less costly, and more effective in ensuring compliance with the law
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DHS publishes "Annual Flow Report" for Fiscal Year 2020 showing a sharp decline in grants of legal permanent residence (LPR) and a six-fold increase in pending immigration cases
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MPI report looks at regional variations in how Black immigrants are faring in the U.S. and compares their experiences to those of U.S.-born Blacks
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Finding that the percentage of Black people who are immigrants has now reached 12%, Pew study examines their income and educational levels, legal status, home ownership, and poverty rates
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Migration Policy Institute analyzes available data on North African and Middle Eastern immigrants in the U.S.
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National Academy of Medicine proposes a new conceptual model for achieving "meaningful community engagement" in order to address the social determinants of Health
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Study from the National Foundation for American Policy chronicles the impressive achievements of immigrant Nobel Prize winners in the sciences
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National Academy study finds racial, gender, and religious disparities in approval rates of citizenship applications
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Report from Human Rights First documents thousands of kidnappings and violent attacks directed at migrants and asylum seekers, and faults the Biden administration for continuing the "illegal and deadly" policies of the Trump administration
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Study examines trends in immigration coverage over a four-year period and finds a preponderance of reporting on detention, enforcement, border issues, and asylum to the exclusion of other topics
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Paper from the Urban Institute decries the lack of attention to race and racism in immigration policy research -- a gap that obscures the experience of particular groups and hides the policies and structures that produce racialized outcomes
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CMS paper provides estimates of the number of people eligible for legal status under pending congressional bills 
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Symposium papers analyze adherence to 14 principles developed by a group of migration experts and legal scholars to ensure equal access to health care by migrants, refugees, and other displaced people during the pandemic
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Study explores how anti-money laundering and other policies have unduly restricted remittances by immigrants to family members in other countries
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Special issue of Migration Policy Practice focuses on the plight of migrant children seeking to cross the southern border of the U.S., including how race, class, and gender shape their experiences and treatment
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Study argues that legislation to reduce childhood poverty in the U.S. will not achieve its goal if eligibility exclusions for unauthorized immigrants and their citizen family members are not eliminated
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MPI report examines language access laws and policies in 40 states and jurisdictions around the country, analyzing key approaches and identifying model programs
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Are there lessons to be learned from immigrants who choose not to become citizens of the US? Paper explores this possibility
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GAO report analyzes the factors creating huge backlogs in the processing of immigration applications by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
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Study urges steps to remedy the growing problem of "quasi-status" in immigration policy, i.e., status categories that are neither legal nor illegal in the traditional sense
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To relieve disorder at the southern border, MPI report urges the creation of legal pathways for temporary or permanent migration of Central Americans to the United States
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MPI report calls attention to the significant accomplishments of the Biden administration in the area of immigration policy during its first year in office
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TRAC study examines the impact of nationality, language, gender, and age in the adjudication of asylum applications
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Journal article examines problems in the implementation of New York State's "Greenlight Law," which permits qualified undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses in order to cut off the "traffic stop-to-deportation pipeline" 
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WES Global Talent Bridge report urges six states that temporarily eased requirements for licensure for internationally trained health workers to build on these short-term initiatives
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WES Global Talent Bridge report examines recent efforts by states to create pathways to licensure and practice for foreign-trained healthcare professionals in order to ease labor shortages in the healthcare industry
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Paper from the Economic Policy Institute critiques the lax enforcement of prevailing wage rules in processing H 1-B visa applications
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Report from the Immigrant Learning Center examines the contributions of immigrant essential workers during the pandemic, the perils they faced in doing their jobs, and the difficulties they found in accessing services from federal and state governments
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Multi-agency study explores the motivations behind the exodus from the Northern Triangle countries of Central America and suggests ways to stabilize home communities to reduce illegal migration
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U.S. government releases its first official report on the link between climate change and migration, and recommends the establishment of a "standing interagency policy process" to address the problem
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Focusing on two Detroit neighborhoods with growing immigrant populations, study finds that an immigrant welcoming policy is a highly effective strategy for stabilizing and bringing new life to disinvested neighborhoods, benefitting both new and long-term residents
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Despite being on the front lines in fighting climate change, mayors of cities around the world are often left out of national and international discussions of climate-related policies. New report from IOM seeks to correct this oversight
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Study by New American Economy finds that immigrant dense metro areas recovered more quickly from the Great Recession
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Entire issue of the Journal of Migration and Human Security explores the importance of demographic research as a tool in improving the quality of refugee resettlement in the U.S.
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Report from the Presidents' Alliance urges universities and the federal government to undertake a private sponsorship program to enable refugees to pursue higher education in the U.S.
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Going beyond traditional public opinion research, new study seeks to understand how various narratives about migration, both on the right and the left, become dominant and influence immigration policy-setting
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DHS report traces the growth and characteristics of the nonimmigrant population in the U.S., i.e. foreign-born people residing legally in the U.S. but not having immigrant status
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Urban Institute study investigates the extent to which low income immigrant families in California avoided safety net programs in recent years
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Report details how wealthy nations, including the U.S., have violated the legal right to asylum through offshoring and pushbacks, and how these practices have endangered the lives of thousands of people around the world
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Bipartisan Policy Center publishes plan for the more effective management of the southern border, including a recommendation that crime-fighting activities be administered separately from asylum review
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Study examines administrative challenges, coordination problems, and institutional culture within federal agencies having immigration-related responsibilities
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Paper argues that the Trump administration's family separation policy was morally repugnant, legally flawed, and un-American and could lead to an indictment for crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court
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CMS paper reviews the literature on the impact of COVID-19 on immigrant communities in the U.S. and recommends measures to address the special vulnerabilities of immigrants
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VERA paper condemns ICE's practice of releasing detained immigrants with disabilities or mental illness on the street with no backup support
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MPI paper examines regional and occupational variations in how the pandemic affected immigrant employment in the U.S. and how these variations may lead to greater geographic dispersal of the Immigrant population in the future
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MPI paper explores the barriers faced by immigrant parents, compared to U.S.-born parents, in supporting their children's education
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Paper explores the role of wealth in securing access to the rights of citizenship and how this ease of access is reminiscent of historic, property-based exclusionary systems
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CMS study suggests that citizenship promotion should be the fundamental organizing principle for the entire U.S. immigration system
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World Education publishes a series of reports on opportunities and models for the provision of remote adult English language instruction
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Harvard study suggests policy options to respond to climate-induced migration from the Northern Triangle countries of Central America
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Study finds that programs that use local and state police to enforce federal immigration policies are ineffective and counter-productive in reducing crime rates
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Paper from the Bipartisan Policy Center points to the vital importance of immigration in solving "America's demographic challenge" and maintaining the country's "global competitive edge"
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Seeking to combat the "perpetual foreigner" stereotype of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, New American Economy publishes a paper detailing their economic and social contributions to American Life
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MPI publishes demographic analysis of Central American immigrants in the United States
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Paper from the Migration Policy Institute and the International Organization for Migration explores the future of global mobility in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic
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National Foundation for American Policy paper finds that H-1B visa denial rates were lower during FY 2021 than in previous years of the Trump administration due to federal court rulings invalidating earlier policy changes
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Paper from the Economic Policy Institute calls for reforms of the H-1B program to prevent abuses by outsourcing companies that lead to the displacement of U.S. workers
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Paper examines the reasons why the U.S. may be losing its appeal as the preferred destination for international students
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Paper from the National Venture Capital Association argues for the creation of a start-up visa for immigrant entrepreneurs
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Paper from the Transatlantic Council on Migration explores ways that migration policy can build global capacity to adapt to climate change
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Article in the Journal of Human Rights finds that many of the policies restricting the movement of people across national borders are unnecessary from a health standpoint and a violation of treaty obligations and human rights
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Georgetown paper finds connections between the heavy fines imposed on minority Americans for traffic violations and the exorbitant fees paid by immigrants for immigration applications
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Study examines the history of family separation policies carried out by governmental authorities in the U.S. against enslaved, indigenous, and immigrant families from colonial times to the present
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Report from the Carnegie Corporation details the history, mission, and accomplishments of the Four Freedoms Fund, a donor collaborative that has helped to fund the immigrant rights movement in the U.S.
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Analyzing current demographic trends, Brookings report stresses the importance of immigration in reversing declines in the working-age population of the U.S.
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MPI publishes demographic analysis of Iranian immigrants in the U.S.
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Report identifies the factors that led to the rapid spread of COVID-19 among immigration detainees and suggests measures to mitigate the problem
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Report from the National Immigration Forum discusses the role that immigrants could play in alleviating current and future shortages of home health care workers and makes a series of recommendations to achieve that goal
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CMS study examines the support provided by Catholic religious, educational, and charitable institutions to immigrant populations during the COVID-19 crisis
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Report from the American Council on Education laments the lack of clear data to track the connection between the enrollment numbers of international students in American colleges and universities and their subsequent career trajectories and contributions to the American economy
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Focusing on the ten states with the largest immigrant populations, MPI report examines the history of immigrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and their future employment prospects
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What will global migration look like after the pandemic? MPI consults with experts and sees four possible scenarios
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NAE attempts to quantify the impact of the Trump Administration on immigration flows over its four years in office
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In an overview and critique of the Electronic Nationality Verification Program, the American Immigration Council faults the government for its lack of transparency and its "blindness" to the reality of persecution in origin countries
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Vera Institute publishes a "toolkit" of strategies for implementing, sustaining, and scaling legal representation programs for detained immigrants
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Legal scholar argues that the Trump Administration's family separation policy should be considered a violation of the 13th amendment's prohibition against slavery
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Welcoming America and Artplace America publish a best practice guide for using the arts to achieve social cohesion and immigrant integration goals
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Office of Minority Health publishes behavioral health implementation guide for the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Service (CLAS) Standards
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MPI report reviews the system of community care for unaccompanied migrant children and recommends steps that federal, state, and local governments can take to improve outcomes for these children
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Report on global public opinion finds that fewer people are willing to leave their home countries for work purposes, and that Canada has surpassed the U.S. as the preferred foreign employment destination
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MPI paper examines the causes and prevalence of "brain waste" among college-educated immigrants in the U.S. and recommends policies and practices to lessen the problem
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Bipartisan Policy Center paper discusses the importance of raising immigration levels in order to end the Covid-19 economic slump and solve "America's demographic challenge"
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MPI study seeks to end "the invisibility of dual language learners in early childhood systems"
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MPI report describes the "state of the art" in the identification and tracking of dual language learners in U.S. school systems
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What can grantmakers and impact investors do to create greater opportunity for immigrant and refugee workers? Georgetown report provides some answers
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Welcoming Center publishes a "toolkit " for employers interested in helping immigrants succeed in the workplace
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Paper examines the economic fallout from the decline in international student enrollment at American universities
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Paper from the National Immigration Forum argues that immigration is not a national security threat, as alleged by the Trump administration
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CMS paper argues that the current crisis at the southern border results from the misguided policies pursued by the Trump administration
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Paper argues that the concept of "border" has to be subjected to historical and philosophical analysis in order to fully understand contemporary immigration debates
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Author argues that current immigration law heightens the vulnerability of both immigrants and the larger population to infectious disease
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Study from the American Enterprise Institute finds entrepreneurship on the decline in the U.S. but views more immigration as a possible solution to the problem
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NBER study finds that the presence of immigrant students in a school does not negatively affect the academic performance of U.S.-born students
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MPI sketches the shape of policy reforms designed to bring the U.S. immigration system in line with current economic and demographic realities
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Researcher suggests ways to counteract the "zealous administration" of American immigration agencies, which keeps them largely impervious to outside influence
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MPI publishes a social and occupational profile of Cuban immigrants in the United States
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MPI report examines the social and economic characteristics of Asian immigrants, who now comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the U.S.
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MPI updates its profile of Asian Indian immigrants in the United States
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MPI updates its profile of Dominican Immigrants in the United States
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MPI report examines the potential role of foreign-trained immigrant health care professionals, many currently working outside their fields of training and expertise, in alleviating the shortage of health care workers in the U.S.
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Cato publishes "The Most Common Arguments Against Immigration and Why They're Wrong"
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Report claims that the Trump administration's anti-immigrant legacy will live on in the decisions of his appointed immigration judges, many lacking knowledge of immigration law and policy, who have ruled in favor of deportation in 87 percent of cases (compared to 58 percent of all judges)
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Cato survey explores how Americans think about immigration, as well as the beliefs and values underlying their thinking
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MPI paper documents the disproportionate reliance of immigrants on public transit and argues that their dependence on public transit should be factored into transit planning and resource allocation decisions
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Paper argues that the "public charge" provisions of immigration law are antiquated and incompatible with the development and mission of contemporary benefits programs 
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Study finds that the entry-level salaries of H-1B immigrant workers are 30 percent higher than the salaries of their U.S.-born counterparts
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Paper describes the vital role played by undocumented immigrants in the U.S. economy
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Study argues for a doubling of annual immigration to maintain the position of the U.S. as the world's largest economy
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Paper argues for a social justice framework for adult education programs in the U.S. in order to empower learners and address "intersectional" challenges
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Paper critiques government use of the term "hard-to-serve" to describe immigrant and other adult learners
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MPI paper examines the impact of climate change -- specifically years of drought in Central America --- on the decision of farmers in Guatemala to migrate, and suggests steps that can be taken to help them cope with changing conditions
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Paper discusses how developed countries, through a strategy of "distancing refugees," have shifted responsibility for the world's refugees and asylum seekers on less developed countries
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CMS paper examines a less publicized family separation crisis, i.e. the dilemma of asylum applicants with family members in other countries, whose asylum applications are in limbo because of the Trump era "last-in, first-out" policy, and who remain separated from family members for prolonged periods
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Paper suggests ways that higher education institutions can create educational opportunities for at-risk refugee students
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United Nations paper urges governments to release immigrants from detention for the duration of the COVID crisis and cites best practices in non-custodial, community-based care from other countries
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Paper from the Bipartisan Policy Center examines alternatives to detention (ATD) programs in other countries and finds that they have high compliance rates and relatively low costs
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Paper from the American Immigration Council examines the underlying "sacred" beliefs that are predictive of pro- or anti-immigration attitudes and suggests that finding common ground among core values, rather than any kind of cost-benefit analysis of immigration, might be a better starting point for dialogue on immigration policy
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Science paper argues that a different form of social capital is necessary in ethnically diverse societies
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Upwardly Global publishes report urging a series of legislative and administrative steps to reduce barriers facing internationally trained immigrants and refugees
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EPI paper argues against increasing the number of H-2B temporary work visas until domestic unemployment rates are reduced and program abuses are eliminated
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Paper from the Bipartisan Policy Center reviews the purpose, history, and deficiencies of the H-2B temporary visa program
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While arguing for the expansion of the H-2B temporary worker program, CATO paper asserts that the costs and complexity of the program are a disincentive for many employers and need to be reduced
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National Immigration Forum paper argues that legal immigration levels should be increased to prevent the dire economic consequences of falling birth rates and a rapidly aging population
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MPI report stresses the importance of developing policies for the return, reception and reintegration of migrants seeking to leave destination countries during a pandemic-like crisis
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Examining the existing literature on "climate migration," MPI report seeks to disentangle climate change from other factors that influence decisions to migrate
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Through an analysis of sub-groups within the unauthorized immigrant population, MPI report maps the multiple policy paths to achieving the legalization of immigrants in the U.S. 
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Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration publishes overview of President Biden's immigration reform legislation
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New York State study quantifies the benefits to local economies and government coffers from programs to legalize immigrants and help them advance to citizenship
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Report from the Amrican Immigration Council argues that the federal government should guarantee legal representation for all immigrants involved in removal proceedings not only to ensure fairness in adjudication but also to achieve greater efficiency in processing cases
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American Immigration Council examines "the legacy of racism within the U.S. Border Patrol" and suggests steps that can be taken to reform the agency
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CAP report examines the "greening of hate" in the U.S., i.e. the ongoing efforts of certain right-wing groups to falsely blame immigrants for environmental degradation
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Noting that unauthorized immigrants and H-2A guest workers make up approximately 60 percent of U.S. farmworkers, EPI report finds serious shortcomings in federal labor standards enforcement in agriculture
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Study examines racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 infection rates in Massachusetts, focusing on demographic, occupational, and economic factors contributing to higher risk for COVID-19
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CMS study identifies the risk factors for poor health outcomes for various subgroups within the immigrant population in Brooklyn and Queens
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CAP publishes four fact sheets on the outsized contributions of undocumented workers on the pandemic's front lines
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Institute paper suggests that worldwide scientific output would be enhanced by immigration reform in the United States and other countries
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Paper from the National Foundation for American Policy finds that immigration stabilizes population levels and promotes economic growth in rural areas of the U.S.
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MPI publishes a profile of the international student population in the United States, covering topics such as countries of origin, regional distribution, and economic impact
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Forum report urges the recission of former President Trump's travel and refugee bans in order to enhance national security, while retaining the tools developed by his administration to evaluate the identity management and information-sharing practices of other countries
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MPI report finds fault with the Attorney General's "referral and review" power in immigration matters and supports legislation to consolidate immigration policymaking authority within the Department of Homeland Security
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IRAP report chronicles how the U.S. refugee program was decimated by the "extreme vetting" procedures implemented by the Trump administration and recommends steps to rebuild the program on a stronger foundation
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New Jersey issues report reviewing the accomplishments of its Office of New Americans during its first year of operations and outlining plans for the future
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Chicago Council report describes the inclusive policies adopted by the City of Chicago to facilitate the integration of immigrants
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CATO study finds that criminal conviction rates for unauthorized immigrants in Texas were 42 percent lower than for native-born people, raising questions as to the efficacy of immigration enforcement to lower crime rates
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Report finds that 83 percent of non-detained immigrants attended their court hearings between 2008 and 2018
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Harvard researchers suggest that cultural concerns about immigration, rather than economic, have fueled the growth of far-right politics in the U.S.
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In an analysis of public messaging on immigration, researchers find that "assimilation-primed" subjects are more inclined to support immigration than those prepped with messages on the value of diversity or the economic importance of immigration
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Study of public opinion in the U.S. finds more support for President Biden's immigration policies than those of former President Trump
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Giving historical examples of "othering" in the etiology of disease, researcher examines the racialization of diseases in American migration policy and in the global health law regime
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Study analyzes the monetary costs to families and communities when someone is arrested on an immigration violation and suggests ways that local governments can mitigate these costs
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MPI report weights the relative advantages of family-based immigration vs. employment-based immigration
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Russell Sage Foundation report raises concerns over the increase in the number of temporary migrant workers in the U.S., who are often forced to endure exploitive working conditions
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MPI report examines where immigrants and their children fit into both "jobs of the future" and "declining jobs," and urges workforce professionals to help immigrant-origin workers overcome disadvantages in the job market
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In a cost-benefit analysis, Rice University study finds that undocumented immigrants in Texas contribute more to the Texas economy than they cost in public services
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Russell Sage Foundation study seeks to identify the major factors that influence the long-term integration of refugees in American society
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Paper from the National Immigration Forum argues that reviving and strengthening the refugee resettlement program enhances the national security of the United States
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 CMS and Refugee Council take stock of the U.S. refugee resettlement program and put forward recommendations designed to rebuild and revitalize the program after the harmful actions taken by the Trump administration

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The City of Aurora (CO) publishes a plan for immigrant integration over the next ten years
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PERF publishes an inventory of promising practices to strengthen the relationship between police departments and immigrant communities across the U.S.
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National Academy study finds that undocumented immigrants in Texas have substantially lower crime rates than both U.S.-born citizens and authorized immigrants
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Paper reviews the literature on medical-legal partnerships serving immigrant communities in the U.S.
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Pilot project in Maine issues report and recommendations on how to put foreign-trained refugee health professionals on a path to licensure and suitable employment
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MPI paper suggests that the public charge rule, if left unchanged, could reshape U.S. immigration by decreasing levels of permanent immigration and allowing only the wealthy and well-educated to obtain green cards
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MPI report finds that confusion and misinformation about the public charge rule are rampant among immigrants
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NILC report details the extent to which Latinx immigrant families are disenrolling from federal nutrition and other support programs out of fear of the immigration consequences of participation
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CAP report details the outsized role played by undocumented immigrants in providing essential services during the pandemic and recommends a pathway to citizenship for them
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Report argues that the U.S. should recognize the indispensable role played by non-citizens, including undocumented immigrants, in fighting the pandemic by providing them with a pathway to citizenship
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MPI publishes a demographic profile of the unauthorized immigrant population in the U.S.
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NAE report analyzes why the U.S. seems to be falling behind in the race to attract international students and recommends steps to maintain U.S. leadership in this area
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MPI publishes a "policy road map" for rethinking and re-engineering management of the U.S.-Mexico border
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Entire issue of the Journal of the Social Sciences examines the historical evolution of unilateral executive action in the area of immigration policy, which has led to unprecedented growth in the issuance of temporary visas
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CATO report assembles idea from 15 immigration experts, each of whom recommends deregulation as a strategy for immigration reform
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George Mason paper argues that more immigration is needed to counter demographic decline, ensure fiscal sustainability, and grow the economy
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According to MPI report, the Trump administration, despite its harsh rhetoric, oversaw less than half as many deportations during its first three years as did the Obama administration during its first three years
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Immigration scholar Demetrios G. Papademetriou offers reflections on the future of immigration in the wake of the worldwide pandemic
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MPI report sizes up the opportunities and obstacles to achieving fundamental reform of the nation's immigration system in the new Biden administration
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Drawing on the advice of immigration policy experts, CMS and the Zolberg Institute publish recommendations to the incoming Biden administration for the reform of the U.S. immigration system 
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Report from the Center for an Urban Future documents the range of problems faced by immigrants in New York City during the pandemic
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CUNY report highlights the crucial role played by immigrant-serving organizations in meeting the needs of vulnerable immigrants in New York City during the pandemic
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CAP publishes a roadmap and set of principles to rebuild and strengthen the U.S. refugee resettlement program
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Research team fron the University of Texas evaluates efforts by the City of Dallas to integrate its growing immigrant population
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MPI study documents the mental health toll on Latino high school students from the Trump administration's deportation policies
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Report analyzes the structural barriers that have produced disproportionately negative impacts of the pandemic on low- and moderate-income immigrant households
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MPI report finds that immigrant women are bearing the brunt of the pandemic, especially in terms of job loss
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UC Davis study finds that Trump's proclamation halting high-skilled migration through the H-1B visa program has hurt the U.S. economy
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Study finds that the market valuation of Fortune 500 companies dropped by about $100 billion after President Trump issued an executive order in June of 2020 banning the issuance of new H-1B high-skilled work visas
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Report finds that the demise of DACA would block access to higher education for thousands of DACA-eligible young people in states with restrictive policy environments
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MPI report calls attention to the surge of immigrant-origin students in U.S. higher education (now totaling 28 percent of all enrolled students) and the importance of removing barriers to their success
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MPI report examines trends in the size, geographic distribution, and major characteristics of college-educated immigrants in the U.S.
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American Immigration Council issues report on the major demographic characteristics of the female immigrant population in the U.S.
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Report from the American Immigration Council reviews the impact of Trump administration immigration policy changes on noncitizens during the pandemic and offers recommendations to relieve their plight
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Bipartisan Policy Center report calls for reforms to employment-based immigration policy to smooth "the convoluted path from H-1B to permanent residency"
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CMS report outlines a series of steps to rebuild the U.S. refugee resettlement program, including a "normal flow" annual admission number to shield the program from political interference
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Chicago Council paper points to the growing influence of cities in framing a new migration narrative in national and global policy debates
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Arguing that the work of immigrant entrepreneurs will be crucial to the nation's recovery from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, New American Economy and Bloomberg Philanthropies produce a "toolkit" to guide local leaders in implementing measures to support immigrant entrepreneurs
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Calling attention to the negative impact of remote learning on English language students, MPI reports provides policy recommendations for states and school districts to address the problem
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MPI study suggests steps that policy makers, practitioners and stakeholders can take to improve the reach and effectiveness of home visiting services for immigrant families
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Study weights evidence on the economic impact of naturalization and concludes that liberal approaches to naturalization produce more rapid economic and social integration
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Fiscal Policy Institute analyzes the demographic composition and income levels of essential workers in New York State and New York City
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CMS report catalogs some of the ways that states are coming to the aid of undocumented essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Paper traces the long history of U.S. policy towards refugees and asylum seekers, culminating in the "A,B,C," measures taken by the Trump administration to abandon (A) long-standing U.S. Legal principles on non-refoulement, block (B) the entry of refugees and asylees, and criminalize (C) foreign nationals seeking asylum in the U.S.
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MPI paper suggests that immigration enforcement spending and practices may be deserving of the same public scrutiny as the attention paid to local police work since the advent of the Black Lives Matter movement
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Paper finds racist motivation and historical precedent in the Trump Administration's proposed expansion of the "public charge" rule
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CLASP study finds that the deportation of parents wreaks havoc on children in immigrant families
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George Mason study calls attention to the disproportional presence of immigrants among U.S. Nobel laureates
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NBER researchers find that immigrant entrepreneurs outperform U.S.-born entrepreneurs in the vital area of job creation 
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National Skills Coalition report outlines lessons learned from "early adopter" adult education programs that combine English language learning with improvements in digital literacy skills
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MPI paper laments the lack of attention by policy makers to the sharp digital divide between immigrants and U.S.-born individuals
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Harvard Business School study finds that the political and ideological preferences of earlier generations of European immigrants, who were exposed to welfare state reforms in their home countries, have left an enduring imprint on the American political landscape today
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MPI report finds that 263,000 unemployed or underemployed immigrant health care professionals, 80 percent of whom are legally present in the U.S., represent a pool of health professionals who can ease the current strain on the American health care system
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Study provides state breakdowns of undocumented students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities and finds that less than half have DACA protections
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Lancet study predicts that low birth rates and resulting population declines are likely to create major policy challenges for many developing countries, creating incentives for more liberal immigration policies
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What are the characteristics of populist movements around the world, and what are the conditions that spawn these movements? Paper reviews the research on these questions
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Paper traces the connection between hateful speech and rising levels of intersectional violence directed at Black, Latino, Jewish, and Muslim communities in the U.S.
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MPI paper catalogs more than 400 Trump administration policy initiatives that have choked off legal immigration, blocked humanitarian admissions, and ramped up deportations
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Report examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants in New Jersey
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Study finds no evidence that immigrants are responsible for importing disease into the United States and questions the rationalel used by the Trump administration for closing the southern border
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California report recommends the active participation of immigrant-serving organizations in COVID-19 contact tracing programs
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Vera Institute study finds that rates of COVID-19 infection in ICE detention facilities may be "shockingly high"
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Report finds that heightened levels of application review and scrutiny are slowing down the citizenship process in the U.S. and may be discouraging eligible immigrants from applying
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MPI and the International Organization for Migration produce report on the efforts of smaller cities in Europe to integrate immigrants
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MPI essay speculates on the future of migration in a post-COVID world
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Questioning the use of civil rights law and international refugee law to advance the rights of migrants, legal scholar calls for the creation of a "new migration law"
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Citing the periodic expulsions of Mexicans and Central Americans from the U.S, paper suggest that immigration policy in American history has been consistently used "in defense of white nationhood" and that "white nativism" is another form of white supremacy
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Examining the history of immigration policy in the U.S., paper reviews some of the administrative and statutory mechanisms that have been used to regularize the status of long-resident undocumented immigrants and suggests that these approaches might work today
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AIC report examines how Trump administration actions in the area of immigration, with COVID-19 as the pretext, are being used to advance an extreme anti-immigrant agenda
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Doctors in the Bronx reflect on the challenges of working with immigrant COVID-19 patients
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Article illuminates the recent growth of all-immigrant prisons and questions whether such segregated institutions should be insulated from judicial review, as they are now
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MPI study provides national and state-level estimates as to the number of noncitizens lacking health insurance and suggests that their lack of coverage may jeopardize public health for all Americans
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Study documents the chilling effects of the "public charge" rule on immigrant willingness to access health benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled
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Making it possible for many Americans to work remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, NAE report finds sthat immigrants play a critical role in the American IT sector
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MPI report urges schools to forge ties with immigrant-serving nonprofit organizations in order to address sosme of the challenges facing immigrant students during the COVID-19 crisis
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CATO team of experts produces white paper advancing "12 New Immigration Reform Ideas for the 21st Century"
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Police Executive Research Forum publishes "best practices" guide for law enforcement agencies in small cities interested in building trust with immigrant communities
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European study suggests that hostility towards immigrants is motivated more by sociopsychological factors than economic concerns
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MPI examines the growing community of Venezuelans in the U.S.
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MPI releases new profile of Chinese immigrants in the U.S.
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Paper warns that the new public charge rule penalizes people with disabilities and calls for efforts to "destigmatize disability" in immigration law
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Urban Institute finds that misunderstandings regarding the public charge rule abound in immigrant communities resulting in large-scale avoidance of the public health system
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MPI examines how states have responded to the needs of English language learners under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015
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Paper from the Economic Policy Institute examines defects in the H-1B program and endorses congressional efforts to reform the program
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Harvard study explores the influence of generation, gender, race, and mother tongue in determining the economic advancement of immigrants and their children
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CMS releases demographic analysis of foreign-born essential workers broken down by occupational category and state of residence
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Essay from members of the Open Door Collective stresses the power of immigrant adult education to reduce poverty, especially when educators work in partnership with advocacy and social service organizations serving the immigrant community
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Paper argues that a "merit-based" immigration system, where DACA recipients are given priority over applicants from abroad, might be an effective, bipartisan solution to the DACA problem
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Seton Hall paper decries the "tinderbox" of potential COVID-19 infection within the immigrant detention system in the U.S. and suggests reforms, such as decriminalization and greater use of the bond system, to reduce the risk of mass infection
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Study finds that attitudes towards immigrants become more accepting when native-born Americans are reminded of their own immigrant backgrounds
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New American Economy publishes a detailed snapshot of the growing population of black immigrants in the U.S.
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Reviewing the Trump administration's restrictions on immigration since the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, MPI researchers see a "crisis within a crisis"
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Paper argues that health and social assistance, particuarly in the current COVID-19 crisis, should be delivered by the government, not private sector organizations; author also sees the issuance of the public charge order as evidence of a flawed philosophy holding the poor responsible for their plight
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CMS paper presents a vision of a world where migration reforms and labor reforms respond to transformations in the labor market and show respect for human rights and ethical standards
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Paper from New American Economy details the crucial role played by immigrants in securing the U.S. food supply
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Paper predicts humanitarian crises in poor countries caused by the pandemic-related drop in remittances
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MPI report documents the vital importance of immigrant workers to the pandemic response effort but also points out that they are disproportionately vulnerable to the economic fallout from the crisis
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Researchers find that the non-cognitive "character" skills of immigrants, such as grit and openness to experience, produce positive labor market outcomes
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The International Organization for Migration publishes its biennial World Migration Report 2020 designed to "demystify" the topic of migration and build the evidence base for sound policy-making
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Study examines Trump's "unorthodox" use of executive orders to engage in substantive immigration policy-making
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Paper analyzes "Sanctuary State" initiatives in California and New Jersey
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Are there distinctive patterns of migration among immigrant women and girls?  MPI seeks to uncover these patterns in a new report
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In a study of the psychological damage inflicted on families separated at the Mexican border, Physicians for Human Rights found that all subjects met diagnostic criteria for at least one mental health condition, e.g. PTSD, depression, or anxiety
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MPI analyzes the complex connections between Asian Indian physicians and nurses, the international market for healthcare professionals, and the mediating role of the Indian government
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The Labor and Workforce Life Program at Harvard University releases its recommendations for reform of the nation's labor laws
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Study finds that the "repatriation" of Mexican workers during the Great Depression reduced employment opportunities and wages for native-born workers
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Urban Institute study suggests that the Trump administration's campaign to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, although struck down by the Supreme Court, has sown confusion and jeopardized the accuracy of the census,
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While the Trump administration blocks paths to citizenship, study shows the economic benefits of citizenship both to immigrants and the larger society
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Considering the powerful economic and environmental forces driving migration, Oxford study discusses the effectiveness of governments in regulating migration since 1960
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CMS publishes report on the plight of an estimated 218,000 "stateless" persons living in the United States
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CMS study emphasizes the importance of voluntary reverse migration, caused by improving economic and social conditions in countries of origin, in reducing the size of the undocumented population in the U.S. over the last decade
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Census Bureau publishes report detailing 2060 U.S. population projections under three different immigration admission scenarios: high, low, and none
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NFAP study quantifies the harm to future economic growth caused by Trump's efforts to scale back immigration through administrative means
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Essay fronm the Transatlantic Council calls for a "fundamental rethink" of the purpose and practice of immigrant integration
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On the 150th anniversary of the completion of the Transcontinental Railorad, New American Economy offers reflections on the history and progress of the Chinese in America 
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MPI releases report on recent Braziian immigration to the U.S.
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In order to eliminate inequities in access to health care, study suggests that health care practitioners should adopt a "cultural safety" perspective, rather than "cultural competency" 
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Report from the Foundation for Child Development urges policy makers to adopt a public health perspective when considering the needs of low-income, immigrant children
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Pew publishes demographic analysis of eligible immigrant voters in the 2020 presidential election -- now nearly 10 percent of the overall electorate
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Paper from the National Foundation for American Policy calls attention to sharp declines in legal immigration to the United States since 2016,
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MPI study documents worrisome declines in the issuance of nonimmigrant visas for tourism, business, and study in the U.S. since 2015,
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CATO study suggests that reforms to the nation's legal immigration system holds the real key to managing migration more effectively and controlling illegal border crossings,
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Detailing steps that states can take to integrate undocumented immigrants, report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argues that an "inclusive approach" can help families and communities prosper,
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Transatlantic Council paper calls for new approaches and new standards to promote the integration of refugee women and other marginalized migrant populations,
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Study finds that sanctuary policies reduce homicide rates from domestic violence for Hispanic Women,
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Report from Welcoming America calls attention to the fears and cultural concerns caused by large-scale immigration and highlights promising strategies to bridge the nation's social and cultural divides,
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Annenberg report finds negative and distorted depictions of immigrants in American television shows,
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American Library Association produces white paper with recommendations on how to make library programs more responsive to the needs of new Americans,
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Harvard paper sees a serious risk to general social norms in the federal government's disruptions of immigrant family life through deportation,
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NAE study analyzes the economic contribution of DACA-eligible immigrants and TPS holders and assesses the potential cost to the country of ending these programs,
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Georgetown study finds that the U.S. is depriving itself of vital foreign talent in the field of artificial intelligence and recommends policy changes to make the country more attractive in the international competition for global AI talent,
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Urban Institute publishes study comparing the effectiveness of two models of early learning instruction in Head Start programs: dual language learning and English with home language support (EHLS)
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CATO study finds higher English language acquisition rates among today's immigrants than among immigrants from the early 20th century.
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Why are immigrants less likely to participate in workforce development programs? California study provides some clues.
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CAP paper examines the impact of climate change on global migration and recommends the development of a "Global Climate Resilience Strategy" that would collect data on climate-related human displacement
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MPI suggests that the latest round of USCIS fee increases will likely reduce the number and shift the profile of immigrants to the U.S.
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Through its "Winning in the States" initiative, NILC reports on state-level immigrant policy advances during a two-year period ending in 2019
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Report argues that volunteers can play a vital, supplemental role in the refugee integration process, but they need training and coordination
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Study finds that cities around the globe, recognizing the vital role that immigrants play in reversing population loss and stimulating economic development, are taking the lead in instituting welcoming policies and sharing best practices for immigrant integration
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AMA study finds that expansion of state health insurance coverage to immigrants does not lead to the in-migration of immigrants from other states
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Study in Western Europe finds a correlation between the presence of immigrants, who tend to provide support and care services for the elderly, and positive mental health outcomes for native-born seniors
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Researcher suggests that benefits and protections should be given to undocumented immigrants who file tax returns with ITIN numbers so as to boost national and state tax revenue
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NBER study findss that access to skilled H-1B immigrant workers greatly improves the economic performance of start-up firms
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Harvard study finds that the DACA program has had a hugely positive impact on undocumented youth, although anxiety over its possible demise is widespread
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Study finds that the naming practices of today's immigrants, i.e. using "American" names for U.S.-born children, are similar to those of previous generations of immigrants, suggesting that "assimilation" is occurring at rates similar to those of the past
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Noting high denial rates for Muslims applying for citizenship, researcher points out the discriminatory use of the "good moral character" requirement for citizenship
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MPI examines the response of Latin American countries to the growing numbers of African and Asian immigrants seeking to transit to the United States or Canada 
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Pew Research Center publishes list and analysis of counties in the U.S. that have become "majority nonwhite" since 2000
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Fiscal Policy Institute questions the accuracy of statistics used by the Trump administration to calculate the size of the undocumented population in the U.S. and to justify the collection of citizenship data by federal agencies
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Researchers argue that the Trump administration's efforts to create a "second wall" to block immigrants from entering the country through the erection of bureaucratic barriers have been highly successful and have encountered little resistance from advocates
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Report finds that the Trump administration proposal to deny green cards to immigrants enrolled in safety-net programs is leading to a sharp drop in health insurance enrollment by immigrant children in New Jersey
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Study finds that localities with stepped-up immigration enforcement show declines in the self-reporting of domestic violence by immigrants
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Research suggests that the technique of "deep canvassing" is more effective than traditional methods in changing attitudes on immigration-related issues
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MPI releases profile of the sub-Saharan African immigrant population in the U.S.
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Cornell study explores the growing importance of "immployment" law, or the convergence between immigration enforcement (including worker "un-authorization) and the erosion of labor rights
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How does stepped-up immigration enforcement affect naturalization rates? New research sheds important light on this question
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National Immigration Forum publishes detailed report on its experimental, industry-contextualized English language training program
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MPI paper argues that Trump administration policies on the southern border are antiquated and not designed to deal effectively with new demographic realities
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Paper argues that "crimmigration" and the pseudoscientific belief that immigrants from certain racial and ethnic backgrounds are more prone to criminal behavior have a long and shameful history in the United States
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MPI examines the crisis in the immigration court system and offers suggestions to reduce the current backlog and reform the system
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Paper discusses the history, accomplishments, and future of the universal legal representation model in deportation proceedings
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Paper critiques the bipartisan "tough-on-immigration paradigm" that has dominated immigration discourse in the U.S. and proposes a new reparative justice model to replace "the deserving-undeserving immigrant binary"
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Welcoming America publishes four short "how-to" papers updating the organization's 2011 Receiving Communities Toolkit
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Urban Institute report explores the barriers to participation in early childhood programs by immigrant children and stresses the importance of these programs in preparing the workforce of the future
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Examining the occupational mobility of immigrant children over a 100-year period, NBER study finds that immigrant children continue to have higher rates of upward mobility compared to children of non-immigrant parents, regardless of the socioeconomic status of their parents
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Report makes the case for easing federal and state barriers to occupational licensing for all work-authorized immigrants in order to ease worker shortages and promote economic self-sufficiency
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Report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argues that the Trump administration's "public charge" rule will cripple workforce growth, especially of non-college-educated immigrants, who are the backbone of many industries
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Report from New American Economy finds that the percentage of Fortune 500 companies with immigrant founders has risen to 45 percent -- includes a data tool to explore the state-level impact of these "New American" companies
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Harvard study finds that members of Congress with recent immigrant family backgrounds tend to suppport "more permissive immigration legislation"
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Colorado reporty lambasts federal government for delays in processing citizenship applications and points out the civil rights implications of such delays
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Paper analyzes the denaturalization campaign of the Trump administration and warns of its threat to social cohesion and the immigrant sense of security
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MPI paper outlines issues for consideration by policy makers in designing effective immigration selection systems for a "new age of economic competitiveness"
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Georgetown paper proposes legislative fixes for the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program, including financial incentives for return and paths to green card status for long-term U.S. residents
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In contrast to the Trump administration's "enforcement-only" approach, CAP paper sketches the contours of a principled, cooperative and pragmatic policy to deal with the humanitarian crisis in Central America
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Paper argues that Trump administration immigration policies constitute an effort to recreate the pre-1965 "white nation"
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While there has been a sharp decline in overall refugee admissions during the Trump era, MPI paper finds that the percentage of Christian refugees has soared to 79 percent while Muslim refugee admissions has dropped by 87 percent
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Paper debunks nine myths and misconceptions about so-called sanctuary cities
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MIT study finds that news media use of derogatory language to refer to immigrants, as well as their reliance on questionable "expert" sources, has risen during the Trump years, even on the part of major newspapers such as The Washington Post and The New York Times
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Looking at the hiring practices of employers, UPenn researcher finds evidence that cuts to the H-1B program led to a "huge growth" in foreign affiliate employment -- not domestic hiring
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MPI paper discusses major trends in the U.S. labor market and how they should be taken into account in redesigning American immigration policy
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Will automation and outsourcing reduce the nation's need for immigrants?  Probably not, according to MPI paper examining current economic and demographic trends
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How prevalent is human trafficking in the U.S. and around the world?  National Academies workshop examines various approaches for measuring the scale of the problem
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MPI study suggests that the federal Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV) can be a powerful tool to improve the academic performance of immigrant children
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According to UC San Diego paper, the new public charge rule will negatively impact the undocumented population, not just intending legal immigrants
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Urban Institute study finds that fear and confusion abound in immigrant communities with regard to the new public charge rule and that immigrants are dropping out programs that may be vital to their financial, psychological, and Physical well-being
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Urban Institute study finds disproportionate effects of the new public charge rule on lower-income Hispanics and families with children
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Bipartisan Policy Center proposes a new policy framework to manage the crisis on the southern border
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CAP essay argues for an immigration system that restores respect for the rule of law while remaining faithful to the ideals of the U.S. as a place of refuge
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TRAC study finds that court appearance rates for asylum-seeking families with legal representation rose to 99.9 percent, while those without representation appeared 81.6 percent of the time
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CATO study finds that nearly 5 million people with approved immigration applications are stuck in visa backlogs and recommends a number of reforms, including the elimination of country-of-origin caps, to enable the U.S. to remain competitive in the world economy 
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Study explores the "state of Asian Americans in New Jersey," focusing on family and social issues, education, economic well-being, health care, civic participation, and immigration issues
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Boston Federal Reserve study finds immigration crucial to stemming population decline in northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont)
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Swiss study finds that refugees who resettle in communities with large numbers of people from the same nationality background tend to do better economicallly than refugees who are more dispersed
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Study finds that the drastic reduction in refugee admissions under the Trump administration is slowly dismantling the public-private partnership that has resettled refugees in the U.S., as well as seriously disrupting the world refugee protection system 
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Survey finds that native-born people who place a high value on authority, as well as those with minimal contact with immigrants, are predisposed to have negative attitudes towards immigrants
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World Education Services publishes guide for foreign-educated accountants interested in pursuing related careers in America
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CATO study warns of adverse fiscal effects from the Trump administration's proposal to deny work authorization to the spouses of H-1B visa holders
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MPI report questions the appropriateness of the four-year graduation rate as a measure of school success for immigrant students
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MPI study observes that immigrant and refugee children are more likely than their peers to have experienced trauma in their lives and recommends a number of strategies to mitigate the problem
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Report from New American Economy highlights the important role played by immigrants in America's creative industries
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Study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities concludes that a proposed Trump administration rule to restrict housing assistance threatens more than 100,000 people with homelessness
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Transatlantic Council publishes study of the Australian point-based immigration system and shares some "lessons learned"
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American Immigration Council analyzes differences in ICE operations between the Obama and Trump administrations; more citizens and women swept up in the Trump years
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MPI analyzes the Trump administration's proposal to revamp the legal immigration system (details still unavailable) and finds little effect on overall immigration numbers
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Harvard Law Review article argues that the "removal policy" of "self-deportation" has been a recurring theme in American history, revealing both the dynamics and scope of the immigration system, and how the system works "to subordinate a class of workers"
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MPI identifies eight key immigration issues that are not receiving sufficient attention from policy-makers in the U.S.
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MPI produces demographic profile of the refugee and asylee population in the U.S.
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MPI report examines the use of "social innovation" in refugee resettlement
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SPLC study of the immigration court system finds that the system has "effectively collapsed" and call for removal of the courts from the jurisdiction of the Attorney General
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Utah State study finds no evidence that strict enforcement of immigration laws has any measurable impact on crime rates in the U.S.
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MPI report reviews seven (7) key legal protections available to K-12 immigrant students and discusses the efforts of school officials to remain in compliance
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Study documents the crucial role played by immigrants in the "nonformal" health care sector in the U.S., e.g. personal care aides and maintenance personnel
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USC report finds that the removal of TPS recipients from the country, as proposed by the Trump administration, will wreak serious damage to the American economy
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Researcher finds evidence that nativism has compromised public health throughout American history
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Study gives ten reasons why international migration is one of the greatest challenges of our time
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CMS study disputes the contention that there is a rising number of people overstaying their nonimmigrant visas
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Suggesting a number of policy reforms, CMS paper argues that the U.S. government, going back to the Obama administration, has failed to respond effectively to the changing character of migration across the southern border 
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Policy brief from New Jersey think tank argues that "immigrants are the cornerstone of New Jersey's economy"
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MPI udates its profile of Korean immigrants in the U.S.
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Paper argues that the Trump administration's proposal to strip the spouses of H-1B visa holders of their permission to work in the U.S. would be detrimental to the economy
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Paper assesses the economic impact of compelling Temporary Protected Status (TPS) visa holders to leave the United States
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Paper examines the potential of Place-Based Visas (PBVs) to reverse population decline and stimulate economic activity in depressed parts of the United States
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MPI study examines the policies and practices of child welfare systems striving to address the special needs of immigrant families, especially families dealing with the threat or effects of deportation
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Why are non-citizens being driven out of the U.S. military, and how is the military being shortchanged in the process? New MPI policy brief addresses these questions.
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Stanford paper defends the right to "economic" migration on the part of former subjects of colonial empires
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Despite the plenary power doctrine, Stanford paper argues that equal protection and due process arguments should be used to challenge the white nationalist features of U.S. immigration law and policy
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MPI paper examines two models for the management of "merit-based" immigration systems: demand-driven (relying on employer work offers) and point-based
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Report from the Fiscal Policy Institute estimates the fiscal impact of allowing undocumented residents in New York State to obtain driver's licenses and sees benefits for the entire community from such legislation
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Legal scholar argues that Americans have always shown an aversion to the consolidation of police powers and that the Secure Communities program flies in the face of that tradition
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Paper argues that the totality of Trump administration policies towards Latino immigrants constitutes a new "repatriation" campaign similar to the expulsions that occurred during the Great Depression and the fifties
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CLASP report documents the "devastating" impact of Trump administration deportation policies on the cognitive and emotional development of children in immigrant-headed families
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New America analyzes the motivational dynamics behind decisions to naturalize and offers recommendations to local, state and federal governments on creative ways to promote naturalization
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Paper examines why America's "racialized immigration history" enables Mexicans to benefit disproportinally from state programs designed to integrate immigrants, such as California's AB60 legislation providing driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants
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Niskanen Center report examines the impact of the OPT program on local economies and urges reforms to enable talented STEM graduates to stay permanently in the U.S. (The OPT program allows international students to remain in the U.S. for a temporary period after graduation to gain practical work experience)
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National Foundation for American Policy study finds that localities with larger numbers of OPT program participants tend to thrive economically
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IZA study based on the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs, a new database of 7,400 high-tech firms, shows that immigrant-owned businesses - in 15 of 16 measures - are more innovative than native-owned businesses
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Peterson Institute study highlights the changing demographic characteristics of the U.S. Hispanic population and argues that these changes will promote economic growth and prosperity for the entire country
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Paper exposes illegal and harmful practices in housing detainees with disabilities at one of the largest immigrant detention facilities in the U.S.
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NYU paper highlights state- and local-level strategies to protect children's access to health and human services in an era of harsh immigration policy and heightened immigration enforcement
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Paper examines the Trump administration's effort to revoke citizenship for over 700,000 immigrants and sees it as part of a broader effort to discourage immigration to the U.S.
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MPI report argues that credential attainment for immigrant-origin adults must be a major focus of the nation's workforce development system
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MPI publishes a state-level demographic analysis of the growing population of immigrant-origin adults in the U.S.
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Can immigrant professionals help reduce teacher shortages in the U.S.?  WES report highlights model programs working to achieve that goal
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"Integration Futures Working Group" in the European Union seeks to break new ground in conceptualizing immigrant integration -- questions the prevailing view of integration as a "two-way process"
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Pew analyzes the backgrounds of 68 lawmakers in the Senate and House of Representatives (13 percent of the total membership) who are immigrants or the children of immigrants
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Paper documents a sharp decline in apprehensions of people crossing the southern border illegally, despite a 110 percent increase in the number of Border Patrol agents since 2000
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AILA report indicates that processing times for immigration benefits under the Trump administration have reached "crisis levels"
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Study laments the "administrative chaos" surrounding the Trump administration's handling of immigrant children
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Rutgers report urges the U.S. to play a more active role in helping countries of first asylum, like Jordan, provide help to Syrian refugees
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MPI Europe proposes a broad immigration-related policy agenda designed to combat the growth of extremist, far-right political movements
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MPI shines a light on demographic changes within the U.S. immigrant population, specifically growth in the number of immigrants from "new origin countries"
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MPI publishes a portrait of Caribbean immigrants in the U.S.
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MPI report documents the impressive economic achievements of immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa
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National Forum publishes a series of fact sheets highlighting immigrant contributions to major industries in the U.S.
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Scholar argues that immigrants should be covered in governmentr-funded health insurance programs in order to improve the efficiency of the healthcare system and protect the health of the entire population
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MPI report suggests that the proposed "public charge" rule -- had it been in effect in recent years -- would have blocked the immigration of large numbers of women, children, older adults and low-skilled workers
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USC study examines the propensity of different sub-groups within the immigrant population to naturalize and cautions that a one-size-fits-all approach is not effective
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MPI report examines how millions of Venezuelans have been granted safe haven in Latin American countries
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National Conference of State Legislatures publishes its annual report on immigration-relaated laws and resolutions passed at the state level in 2018
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Through a survey of deportees in Mexico, researchers document the "harsh consequences" of U.S. deportation policies on individuals and family members left behind in the U.S.
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MPI report urges resettlement organizations to employ "two-generation strategies" as a way to facilitate the long-term integration of refugees and their families
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Urban Institute publication discusses best practices in developing effective partnerships between refugee service organizations and for-profit corporations in order to help refugees successfully integrate into host societies
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Stanford study finds that the halt in refugee admissions in 2017 did not have any discernible effect on county-level crime rates
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What does the research say on immigrant use of public benefits?  Bipartisan Policy Center analyzes studies that have appeared on this subject.
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National Academies publishes proceedings of workshop on "Immigration as a Social Determinant of Health"
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MPI report looks at policy franeworks for the compulsory return and reintegration of migrants
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Study suggests that the "new immigration federalism" gives state governments some control over which types of immigrants to attract to their states
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Strauss Center report analyzes the impact of "metering" on asylum seekers and border communities in Mexico
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Study finds no evidence that intensified immigration enforcement reduces crime rates or improves the economic fortunes of U.S.-born workers
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MPI study recommends the use of "behavioral insights" to improve immigrant integration programs and outcomes
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AIC issues report on "the landscape of immigration detention in the United States," looking at number of detainees, type and location of detention facilities, average length of detention, transfers during detention, and grievances of detainees
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Pew Research Center analyzes the size, composition, and characteristics of the undocumented population in the U.S. and finds a substantial reduction in overall numbers since 2007
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MPI analyzes the crisis in the U.S. asylum system and makes recommendations to reduce the backlog in processing current cases and to achieve timely review of future applications
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Survey finds that attitudes amongHispanic adults have grown more negative, with half saying that their situation has worsened over the last year
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NBER research paper suggests that Chinese and Indian STEM PhDs, faced with delays in processing their applications for permanent residence because of quota backlogs, are returning home in significant numbers
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Report reveals how tech companies are "playing an increasingly central role in facilitating the expansion and acceleration of arrests, detentions, and deportations" in the United States and singles out Amazon and Palantir for special opprobrium
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Seeking to "drain the poison" from the immigration debate, the New Center releases a bipartisan proposal for immigration reform that "avoids the extreme views of right and left," builds on research findings, and reflects the "pragmatic" views of most Americans
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Stanford Immigration Policy Lab publishes an analysis of evidence-based research on policies and programs to promote refugee integration in the U.S., Canada, and Europe
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How is immigration changing the way Americans see themselves in racial terms? Russell Sage Foundation devotes an entire journal issue to this question
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By surveying and analyzing the core beliefs of Americans, researchers identify seven "hidden tribes" of Americans, some of which show more nuanced and balanced views on immigration, suggesting the possibility of achieving future consensus on immigration reform
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How can foreign-educated teachers rebuild their careers in America?  WES produces a guide to help them clarify and achieve their career goals
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Why research findings on immigration may fail to convince -- MPI lays out the pitfalls of current effort to counter erroneous information on immigration and suggests ways to communicate more effectively on the subject
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CAP study shows how immigrants are "breathing fresh life into declining rural communities" by reversing population loss, spurring economic growth, and ensuring the survival of key industries and services
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MPI report analyzes the early childhood education and care needs of Minnesota's population of "super-diverse" dual language learners
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MPI report argues for an expanded model of adult English language education that takes into account the diversity of the adult immigrant population and purposefully advances the goal of immigrant integration
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Study suggests that the proposed DHS rule restricting immigration by lower-income individuals will prevent millions of hard-working immigrants, otherwise eligible for permanent residence, from regularizing their status
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Using new methodology, Yale study substantially revises upward the estimated number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
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MPI updates its profile of Houston's immigrant communities with particular attention to their changing legal service needs caused by harsh Trump administration immigration and deportation policies
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New American Economy (NAE) develops a methodology for ranking the effectiveness of America's 100 largest cities in integrating immigrants and publishes its findings
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Legal scholars propose a way to restore "moral legitimacy" to the U.S. deportation system by expanding the realm of discretion in immigration enforcement and by using a more nuanced understanding of immigrant contributions to inform the system
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National Immigration Forum reports on the "living room conversations" it convened in 21 American cities and concludes that fears related to culture, security, and the economy confuse public attitudes on immigration
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MPI study identifies innovative strategies used by state and local governments to enforce labor standards in low-wage industries with large numbers of immigrant workers
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MPI updates its "spotlight" report on Vietnamese immigrants in the United States
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OECD report calls attention to the growing population of children with a migrant background in member countries, analyzes the risk and protective factors that shape their educational outcomes and life chances, and identifies promising practices to meet their unique needs
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MPI publishes a seven-country study of early childhood education and care (ECEC) policies and programs for refugees
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In an effort to inform the public debate on immigration, the Hamilton Project -- a research arm of the Brookings Institution -- releases a report explaining "a dozen facts about immigration"
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Report from the Kaiser Family Foundation predicts that the Trump administration's proposed new public charge rule will result in a massive loss of healthcare in the U.S., with dire consequences for the entire population
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Legal scholar argues that the proposed citizenship question on the 2020 census is "both unnecessary and counterproductive"
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MPI report envisions a new form of partnership between immigrant sending and receiving countries in which receiving countries provide advanced skill training in home countries, and graduates work either at home or abroad
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National survey of 1,400 DACA and TPS recipients sheds light on their educational achievements, employment experience, and hopes for the future
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Transatlantic Council paper analyzes the history of anti-immigrant, radical right political movements and parties and suggests strategies to curb their growth and influence
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Legal scholars argue that the modern deportation system lacks "moral credibility" because laws are arbitrary in nature, do not provide proportionality in punishment, and are inconsistent with cultural norms
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CAP report recommends steps that state officials can take if federal courts uphold the legality of the Trump administration's decision to end the DACA program
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National Conference of State Legislatures publishes an immigration "primer" for state policy makers
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UNICEF report urges UN member states to adopt a 6-point agenda for action to mitigate the hardships experienced by migrant and refugee children from Central America and Mexico
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Evidence from the "age of mass  migration" (1880-1924) suggests that cultural fears, not economic concerns, drove the movement to restrict immigration
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MPI publishes an essay on the history of Salvadoran migration to the United States, which discusses the circumstances of the Salvadoran community today in the wake of the revocation of temporary protected status by the Trump administration
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Oxford report reviews the social scientific literature on the economic impact of migration, and sees strong connections between immigration and prosperity in Europe and North America
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Paper questions the wisdom and constitutionality of the denaturalization campaign launched by the Trump administration
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In examining political trends over a 20-year period, CATO research brief reports that U.S. communities with the lowest immigrant educational levels tend to support the Republican Party, whereas communities with large numbers of college-educated immigrants lean toward the Democrats
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NSC provides recommendations to immigrant affairs offices on how to improve workforce policies and programs for immigrants and refugees
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MPI reports on the "patchwork of responses" to the massive exodus of Venezuelans to other countries in Latin America
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CMS report details how refugees "help to define, strengthen, and revitalize the United States"
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GCIR report suggests strategies that foundations can pursue to help refugees and asylum seekers and the embattled organizations that work with them
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Paper argues for a more inclusive immigrant rights strategy that doesn't pit one group against another
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MPI updates its profile of European immigrants in the United States, including European "diaspora groups"
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MPI convenes a meeting of experts on high-skilled immigration to prepare a "state of the field" report
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Welcoming Economies and Global Detroit release "Playbook" for communities interested in unlocking the economic potential of immigrants and refugees
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Researchers challenge the inevitability of a low-wage, exploitive "secondary" labor market and cite examples of how "lateral" involvement on the part of civic sector organizations can complement and support the "vertical" labor law enforcement efforts of government
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Paper finds that the 2013 Senate-passed immigration reform bill would produce substantially more economic benefits for the American people than the Trump-supported Raise Act of 2017
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Wharton paper calls attention to the role that immigrants play in stimulating foreign investment in the United States
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National Academies of Science Task Force raises strong objections to the inclusion of a citizenship question in the 2020 census
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Article critiques the seldom-discussed but growing practice of granting immigrant visas to "high value" foreign investors
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Arguing that education and training can help immigrants close the "middle-skills gap," Urban Institute report highlights promising practices and effective strategies to upskill the immigrant population
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MPI produces a guide to help school systems design effective programs to serve English language Learners
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In an addendum to an earlier report, National Partnership calls attention to the growing backlog of naturalization applications and worries that it may reflect a deliberate effort on the part of the Trump administration to suppress voting in the U.S.
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Report calls attention to the impressive scientific contributions of the children of immigrants and identifies several factors accounting for their success
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Study examines the differences and similarities between immigrant and native-born entrepreneurs and the businesses they create
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National Immigration Forum releases fact sheet on the economic contributions of immigrant entrepreneurs
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Paper argues that the U.S. has a long history of exploiting immigrant labor and identifies some of the factors that permit these "vestiges of chattel slavery" to persist
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Paper challenges the journalistic consensus that there is an economic basis for anti-immigrant attitudes and finds that "racial resentment" is a much stronger predictive force
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Scholars produce summary of research on the topic of immigrants and crime, observe that there is a generally inverse relationship between the two, and describe institutional forces that push a false narrative of immigrant criminality to advance their vested interests
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Report discusses how employers have taken steps to integrate refugees into their workforces and how employers have benefitted in the process
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Colorado study attempts to quantify the positive return on investment from state expenditures to support the resettlement of refugees
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Written for a European audience, MPI report calls for an "analytical revolution," premised on the use of cost-benefit analysis, to determine the effectiveness of various approaches to the labor market integration of refugees
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Pew produces statistical portrait of immigrants in Philadelphia and notes their role in fueling the population resurgence of the city
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Study finds improvements in "happiness" levels among immigrants and native-born persons and suggests "that human migration contributes to a happier world"
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MPI publishes an analysis of the impact of the Trump administration proposal to expand the definition of "public charge" as a way of reducing the flow of immigrants to the U.S.
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Paper traces the development of language rights through the regulation-setting process
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Article suggests that the courts should extend constitutional scrutiny to immigration enforcement activities because of their negative impact on labor rights in the U.S.
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Study documents the baneful influence of for-profit prison corporations on the U.S. immigration detention system
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Vera Institute report finds no evidence that "zero tolerance" approaches actually work to deter unauthorized border crossings
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 AiC Fact Sheet reviews the H-4 visa program and suggests that the elimination of the program will discourage high-skilled immigrants from coming to the U.S.

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CSII report urges asset-building funders and immigrant integration funders to achieve greater alignment in their grant-making approaches
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Study documents the crucial role played by immigrants in the fashion industry
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Comparative study of family migration across nine countries, including Australia, Canada, and the U.S., finds that family migration is "at the heart of many immigration systems"
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Legal scholar reviews the history of prosecutorial discretion in immigration matters and concludes that the Trump administration's argument that DACA is an example of "executive overreach" is baseless and ahistorical
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Paper decries the "fragmented" and "diffuse" nature of immigration governance in the U.S. and calls for stronger leadership and coordination of all immigration-related functions within the federal government
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Despite a no-holds-barred deportation policy, resisistance from local authorities, according to MPI report, is limiting the effectiveness of the Trump approach to immigration enforcement
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Paper finds that Trump's decision to deploy National Guard troops to the southern border "seems to be primarily driven by political and public relations concerns"
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Paper traces the influence of corporate interests in expanding immigrant detention in the U.S. and in "distorting democracy" through the greater political power exercised by communities with detention facilities
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ACLU study finds that immigration enforcement activities at courthouses is "freezing out justice" in the U.S., leading to a decline in cooperation from immigrant victims and difficulties in investigating crimes
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Pew study of the immigration information stream on Twitter after Trump's election finds little evidence of the dissemination of "fake news"
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Using Silicon Valley as a research site, MPI study shows how "assimilation" plays out as a "two-way street," with adaptations made both by immigrants and native-born Americans, both of whom work together over time to create a "new sense of normal"
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According to National Academy of Sciences study, Trump's 2016 victory arose from "status threat," not the plight of displaced, white working class workers
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CATO study shows sharp declines in the number of Muslim immigrants, refugees, and visitors allowed into the U.S. since the Trump "travel ban" went into effect
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Pew report finds that sub-Saharan African immigrants have educational levels that surpass those of the U.S.-born population
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MPI report examines the extent and consequences of "super-diversity" among the growing number of young children who are dual language learners (now almost one-third of all children under the age of 9)
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Legal scholar advances the concept of migration as "foot voting" with the potential to bring "vast benefits" to the world if promoted by governments
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Open Door Collective argues for the importance of adult education as a strategy for reducing poverty among immigrants and other Americans
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Report finds that immigrants in detention are deprived of adequate health care
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Study suggests that the approximately 800,000 immigrants from travel ban-affected countries already living in the U.S. are making impressive contributions to American society
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MPI publishes report on the operation of the H-1B visa program and notes that the Trump administration may soon announce reforms that "may negatively affect businesses that use H-1B legitimately"
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Scholar calls for greater reliance on social science expertise in immigration policy-making and laments the absence of the "administrative state" in federal departments charged with implementing immigration policy
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Report finds that a Trump-favored immigration proposal may have unintended consequences, e.t. reducing Catholic immigration by 54 percent, as well as the number of employment-based visas for high-skilled immigrants by 18 percent
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Urban Institute summarizes recent research on refugee integration into American society and identifies research gaps that should be addressed in the future
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World Education Services reports positive results for a pilot project to provide alternative forms of academic certification for Syrian refugees
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Study examines the historical precedents and ethical justification for sanctuary provided by houses of worship for undocumented immigrants
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According to CATO study, Texas arrest and conviction records show that undocumented immigrants commit crimes at substantially lower rates than native-born Americans
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Harvard Law Review article finds that the lack of any guidance from the Trump administration on the legitimate exercise of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law cases has been "devastating" to immigrant communities
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MPI publishes demographic profile of the Dominican immigrant community in the U.S.
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Legal scholar makes the case for civil disobedience by employers, i.e. continuing to employ Dreamers, if and when the federal government ends work authorization for DACA recipients
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Study finds that foreign students on F-1 visas, the majority of whom are studying in high-demand STEM fields, are almost entirely lost to local economies, i.e. not working locallly five years after graduation
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Researchers find that deportations substantially increase the likelihood that U.S.-born children of undocumented parents will live in single-parent families or be sent to live with friends or other relatives in the U.S.
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MPI paper predicts "demographic convergence" and multi-directional migration flows in the six countries that make up the North American "migration corridor"
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In response to the growing climate crisis, which may lead to the disappearance of some island nations, paper argues for limitations on a government's right to exclude people from its territory
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MPI and Population Reference Bureau publish a detailed compilation of national and international data sources on immigration
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AILA report shows how the Trump administration is cutting back on legal immigration by constructing "an invisible wall"
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NBER study examines the educational and economic progress of the children and grandchildren of recent immigrants
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CAP report identifies model refugee resettlement programs and recommends steps to maintain the resettlement infrastructure in the current anti-refugee political climate
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Paper calls for scrapping the term "sanctuary city" as it has no clear meaning, and lumps together a wide range of policies, some of which may enhance local policing and some which may not
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Penn State study documents human rights violations in for-profit immigrant detention facilities in the State of Georgia
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MPI updates its profile of the Filipino community in the U.S.
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MPI examines implementation of the SEAL professional development model in 100 California schools with "superdiverse" classrooms
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MPI report details how early childhood educators are using home language to improve English language acquisition in "superdiverse" classrooms
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Bipartisan Policy Center laments the decline in international student enrollment in U.S. colleges and Universities
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MPI paper questions the assumption that targeted development assistance will reduce the pressure to migrate
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MPI paper examines the scarcity of legal migration pathways for low-skilled workers and recommends approaches to solve the problem
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CMS study reports that the undocumented population in the U.S.fell by nearly 1 million from 2010 to 2016
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Pew study finds that Hispanic identity fades over time -- a development that may change "the nation's own sense of its diversity"
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NAE study highlights the economic impact of immigrants in San Diego, California
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Transatlantic Council paper assesses how policy changes wrought by the Trump administration will slow the long-term integration of immigrants and refugees and how states will become "major actors" in the immigration and integration policy arenas
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Triangle Center releases its annual report on acts of violence committed by Muslim extremists in the U.S.
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NBER paper finds that the DACA program has brought about significant educational and employment gains for participants
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Paper faults the U.S. refugee resettlement program for its focus on early employment and its lack of attention to the broader goal of refugee integration
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WES publishes E-Guide for foreign-trained nurses interested in reestablishing their careers in the U.S.
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AIC report finds that foreign-trained doctors fill a critical role in the U.S. healthcare system
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McKinsey study finds that ethnic and gender diversity in corporate management correlates with above average business performance
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Legal scholar suggest that cities and the federal government have increasingly divergent views of citizenship in the modern world
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Weaving together conclusions from a number of recent studies, JMHS paper makes recommendations for provisions to be included in the Global Compact on Refugees, scheduled to be developed by the U.N. this year
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JMHS study casts doubt on the accuracy of estimates from the Department of Homeland Security on the size of the "visa overstay" population in the U.S. (Actual numbers almost half of what was reported)
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NCSL article reviews available data on immigrant economic and civic integration and describes the evolving state role in addressing immigration issues
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Study examines how events associated with the "war on crime" and mass incarceration in the eighties and nineties led to the criminalization of immigration
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Article discusses "what we know and need to know" about access to legal representation for immigrants facing deportation
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Harvard Business Review study explores the role played by immigrant executives in U.S. corporations
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Passaage of Dream Act legislation by Congress would increase U.S. GDP by $7.6 billion, according to JMHS study
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AILA paper provides an overview of the U.S. family-based immigration system and questions whether reductions proposed by the Trump Administration are warranted
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Urban Institute report sees dire consequences for the Social Security Trust Fund if Congress passes restrictionist immigration legislation
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New American Economy report details the positive economic impact of Sub-Saharan immigrants in the United States
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MPI updates its profile of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants in the United States
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Report analyzes Illinois' innovative approach to gathering data on English language learners under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
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MPI report outlines steps that can be taken to diversify the workforce in the field of early childhood development
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 MPI report details lessons learned by members of the "Learning Network for Newcomer Youth Success," who shared insights into effective educational models for serving unaccompanied minors and immigrant and refugee youth with interruped formal schooling
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Chicago Council report compares immigrant skills and education with the training requirements for specific jobs and points out the mismatches that might be addressed through innovative workforce development policies and programs
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CLASP report highlights the role that adult education and workforce development programs could play in enabling Dreamers to qualify for legalization
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IOM publishes its 9th World Migration Report containing key information on global migration, as well as expert analysis of emerging issues in the field
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Transatlantic Council paper articulates "guiding principles" for successful partnerships among immigrant sending, transit, and receiving countries to manage migration flows
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Report from the Bipartisan Policy Center finds that robust levels of immigration will be crucial to prevent depletion of the Social Security Trust Fund
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Report explores how to frame the advantages of bilingualism to counter arguments based on the "zero sum game cultural model"
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Report from the National Foundation for American Policy provides an overview of the current U.S. legal immigration system and challenges some of the myths advanced by immigration restrictionists
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Urban Institute report explores the child care decisions of immigrant parents - finds low use of center-based care on the part of LEP parents
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MPI report finds little evidence that regularization of the status of DREAMers will adversely affect the job prospects of U.S.-born millennials
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MPI publishes occupational and educational profile of current DACA recipients
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Report finds problems with the way the government produces prevailing wage data for the H-1B program
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Study of early 20th century immigration finds that population diversity produces long-term economic gains
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The percentage of Fortune 500 firms founded or co-founded by immigrants or their children has risen to 43 percent, according to new analysis
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Kaiser Family Foundation report finds that the current anti-immigrant political climate is creating "toxic stress" on immigrant family life, leading to a wide range of harmful outcomes for adults and children
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Paper finds evidence that service in the military during World War I facilitated the "assimilation" of southern and eastern European immigrants
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MPI report seeks to explain the high levels of public support for immigration in Canada and to describe the main features of Canada's approach to immigrant admission and integration
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Report calls attention to the important role of immigrants in the military and suggests reforms to increase immigrant recruitment and retention
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Report highlights the role of immigrants in stimulating economic growth and creating jobs for U.S.-born workers in the Great Lakes region
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Paper argues that the use of the criminal code to prioritize individuals for deportation is not a neutral method, but rather reflects manipulation of the criminal code to exclude people racially
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Vera Institute publishes an evaluation of the New York Immigrant Family Unity Project, which provides legal representation to immigrants in deportation proceedings
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Report urges extension ot Temporary Protected Status for Hondurans in the U.S.
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MPI publishes profile of the Cuban immigrant community in the United States
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The National Academies publishes proceedings of a workshop devoted to improving health communication with immigrant and refugee populations
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Urban Institute report looks at ways to diversify the teaching profession to align more closely with changing student demographics in American schools
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Paper questions the legality and wisdom of using information provided to the government, e.g. information on DACA applications, to deport immigrants -- gains will be minimal but the damage will be extensive and "permanent"
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MPI estimates the impact of five different bills introduced in Congress to legalize the DREAMer population
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Pew publishes statistical analysis of the incoming U.S. refugee population from 2002 to 2017 and notes a sharp drop in the U.S. share of global refugee resettlement
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Report from Chicago Council calls attention to severe labor shortages within the Midwest hospitality industry and urges passage of immigration reform to replenish labor supply

Boston Planning and Redevelopment Agency publishes profiles of local Latino communities

Paper argues that sanctuary policies are complementary to the immigration justice system, filling a vacuum created by the removal of immigration courts from any role in adjudicating deportations and contesting against the Trump Administration's "one-size-fits-all" approach

Law professors find that sanctuary policies are grounded in sound legal principles and reflect responsible stewardship of local resources

Paper challenges the wisdom and efficiency of a crime-based deportation policy

Through an analysis of 287(g) programs in Frederick County (MD), researchers find a decline in overall arrests, suggesting a reluctance on the part of the Hispanic community members to interact with the police

MPI undertakes a review of educational policies and strategies to better serve children with parents speaking a language other than English at home

Report seeks to gauge the attitudes, motivation, and self-identity of the "white working class"

With a record number of citizenship applications, USCIS processing times have reached one year or more, according to new report from the Partnership for New Americans

Female migrants face increased risk of gender-based violence, according to new report from the Migration Policy Institute 

MPI analyzes the occupational and educational trajectory of the "immediately eligible" DACA population and foresees dire consequences if a legislative solution isn't found to their situation 

Paper sets forth principles and procedures to guide the negotiation of the UN Global Compact for Migration in 2018

Report from MPI Europe examines the nature and potential of private sponsorship programs to leverage additional resources for refugee resettlement

Report documents widespread violations of due process in the treatment of deportees from the U.S. 

Report finds serious flaws in the point-based immigration system proposed by Trump allies in Congress 

Study suggests that "sanctuary" movements are creating a new reality on the ground challenging the hegemony of the federal government in immigration enforcement matters 

ProPublica report sheds light on the scope and brutality of hate crimes committed against the Sikh community in the United States

According to MPI report, the Philippine government increasingly looks to its overseas emigrant population as a resource for development 

Paper calls attention to misconceptions about the immigrant right to work in the United States

The American Political Science Association (Section on Migration and Citizenship) publishes themed newsletter on municipal approaches to immigrant integration

 Chicago Council report finds that immigrants have played a vital role in improving the economic prospects of Midwestern cities 

MPI paper finds that heavy-handed efforts to instill common values among immigrants and/or to ban incompatible cultural practices can backfire and produce the opposite of what was originally intended

OECD immigration yearbook reviews migration trends in 2016 - notes a 7 percent increase in permanent migration flows over the previous year

Report details how Sweden has revamped its asylum and refugee policies in response to the influx of more than 160,000 asylum-seekers in 2015 

Report finds that contradictory state and local immigration enforcement goals "should come as no surprise" in a federalist system like that of the U.S.

What have we wrought? Human Rights First examines the refugee "travel ban" at the 6-month mark

Transatlantic Council report finds that location of resettlement does not seem to impact refugee integration; rather national origin seems to be more predictive of successful economic integration 

MPI study traces the twists and turns of Cuban migration to the U.S.

University of California researchers offer suggestions on how to advance a progressive state and local immigrant integration agenda

New study of ca. 20,000 refugees resettled in the U.S. between 1990 and 2014 finds that the long-term fiscal impacts of refugee resettlement are positive

MPI report examines the pivotal role played by immigrants in the health care industry

Michigan leaders contend that Trump immigration policies threaten to undermine the state's economic recovery

DHS publishes 2016 data on visa overstays by country of origin and category of admission

JMHS study concludes that the "border enforcers" have won the argument with their liberal critics but that the enforcers' strategy has reached a "point of diminishing returns"

JMHS study finds that the decline in the undocumented population in the U.S. over the last decade had little, if anything, to do with the Great Recession

Project report from the Rockefeller Foundation urges cities around the world to treat migration as a priority area for "resilience" planning

EPI report calls for major reforms to the H-1B program to ensure an equitable job market for both foreign- and U.S.-born workers

Report from New American Economy shows strong upward mobility for refugees over time

Report highlights the contributions made by foreign-born STEM workers to the U.S. economy

MPI finds that almost 50 percent of recent immigrants are college graduates, up from 27 percent 25 years ago

Data brief finds that immigrants now represent 50 percent of New York City's senior population -- posing challenges for the senior services sector

Report documents the benefits from DACA for those immigrants whose formal schooling in the U.S. had been interrupted because of financial, legal, or motivational barriers

Consortium develops database of promising practices in immigrant education for community colleges

CMS paper argues for fundamental reform of the U.S. immigration system to prevent future growth of the undocumented population

Harvard Law Review essay finds precedents for the Trump Administration's draconian deportation policy in the policies of the prior Bush and Obama administraions

Report from the American Immigration Council questions the fairness of "fast-track removal" for individuals fleeing traumatic violence in their home countries

Report from Human Rights First finds fault with the treatment of Central American asylum seekers by CBP officers

Paper argues that the "illegal immigrant crisis" stems from a failure of law and policy, not a willful desire on the part of unauthorized immigrants to disobey the law

Providing driver's licenses to unauthorized immigrants in Calfornia improves traffic safety, according to National Academy of Sciences report

Report casts doubt on the salience of economc factors in predicting support for Trump among white working class voters

More Mexicans repatriated from the United States are intending to remain in Mexico, according to new report from the Migration Policy Institute

Report finds significant levels of PTSD and depression among Central America asylum seekers, with 70 percent meeting the criteria for asylum in the U.S.

Literature review of nearly 3,000 studies of culturally competent approaches in healthcare finds only 15 studies evaluating the effectiveness of systemic approaches to cultural competence

Calfornia Workforce Development Board suggests model practices for serving adult English language learners

Paper from the Transatlantic Council suggests principles for rebuilding migration management systems in the aftermath of world refugee crises

Niskanen Center publishes overview of refugee resettlement in the United States

Essay proposes new approach to dealing with "unconventional refugees" from Central America -- neither asylum nor deterrence, but something in-between and definitely with the goal of eventual repatriation

Polaris Project publishes a typology of human trafficking, based on more than 32,000 trafficking cases reported on U.S. hotlines

CAP publishes a new edition of its "Facts on Immigration Today"

Paper details how the Trump administration is using the "public relalations machinery" of the federal government to malign undocumented immigrants

Essay calls attention to the recurring theme of nativism in American immigration history and to the critical role played by public officials in countering it

Essay discusses how the "clash of civilizations" narrative promoted by the Trump administration has eroded support for refugee resettlement in the U.S. and what can be done to combat it

Chicago Council paper stresses the vital role played by immigrants in reversing population decline and stimulating economic activity in 46 metro areas in the Midwest

LIRS reports on a pilot project in Baltimore to make the workforce system more responsive to the needs of immigrants and refugees

Article points out the contradictions and inconsistencies in current U.S. immigration policy and calls for changes to improve the overall system

Study finds that visa overstays now account for 66 percent of all new undocumented immigrants, raising doubts over the effectiveness and return on investment of "building a wall" 

According to new study, "hostility to the Constitution" has been an accusation used by nativists throughout American history to mask their antipathy to certain groups of immigrants

CAP paper argues that the benefits of local police participation in federal immigration law enforcement are not worth the costs

CATO Institute paper finds low incarceration rates for both documented and undocumented immigrants

AIC paper reviews what local jurisdictions with "sanctuary policies" can and cannot do, without running afoul of federal law or compromising their law enforcement mission

NIF paper reviews the legal and constitutional grounds for local police to refrain from cooperating with federal immigration authorities on immigration detainers

CAP report explores the number of U.S. citizens living with undocumented family members and calls for policies to keep families together

Analyzing job postings over the last five years, NAE study finds surge in demand for bilingual workers in the U.S. economy

Study finds greater stability in the family life of foreign-born Hispanic mothers than in that of white, black, or U.S.-born Hispanic mothers

Study examines how Latino fathers interact with their partners and children, noting important distinctions between immigrant and U.S.-born fathers

According to new study, immigrant integration as a public policy goal has advanced on the local level over the last two decades, but needs to be coordinated at the federal level

CATO study finds that the political opinions of immigrants resemble those of the native-born, except on the topic of immigration itself

MPI produces a set of fact sheets on English learners in U.S. schools

MPI report calls attention to the changing ethnic composition of people seeking to cross the southern border and notes that the majority are now presenting themselves at official border crossings rather than trying to cross surreptitiously

Study questions the stereotypes of human smugglers as predators, and migrants and asylum seekers as victims

Review of recent research casts doubt on President Trump's assertions that immigrants are prone to crime

Paper finds no evidence of any "indirect" effects of immgration on crime rates in the U.S.

MPI publishes profile of the Korean immigrant population in the U.S.

OMH issues a "Practical Guide" for organizations interested in implementing the enhanced CLAS Standards (Standards for Cultually and Linguistically Appropriate Services)

NYU's Brennan Center for Justice finds no basis for claims of widespread non-citizen voter fraud

MPI report showcases successful initiatives to integrate foreign-trained immigrant professionals into the job market

MPI report showcases successful initiatives to integrate foreign-trained immigrant professionals into the job market

NSC paper calls for an upskilling strategy in the service sector focusing on literacy, numeracy, and digital problem-solving

MPI paper sees cause for hope that the world community will rise to the challenge of dealing with the world refugee crisis

Article explains the U Visa's "failed promise for survivors of domestic violence" and urges reforms to restore victim autonomy

Brookings scholars make recommendations to the Trump Administration for dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis, urge continuation of the Syrian resettlement program

MPI essay examines the Obama Administration's deportation priorities and record in comparison to previous administrations

MPI publishes a demographic profile of Syrian refugees in the United States

MPI paper analyzes mutual recognition agreements negotiated by 8 nations in the ASEAN region permitting professionals trained in one country to have their qualifications recognized in another

CMS paper estimates the economic fallout from a program of mass deportations

Contrary to assertions by the Trump Administration, CAP reports finds less crime in sanctuary communities than in non-sanctuary

MPI weighs the pros and cons of allowing more international STEM students to remain in the United States

American Counseling Association calls for "cultural humility" to improve counselor effectiveness in working with clients from diverse backgrounds

World Education publishes fact sheets on collaborative projects undertaken by "The Networks for Integrating New Americans Initiative"

Penn State report finds value in family literacy programs as a strategy for reducing intergenerational poverty

McKinsey study finds that the world's 247 milion migrants contibute $6.7 trillion, or 9.4 percent, to global GDP, with little evidence of adverse affects on the wages or emplyment of native-born workers

Boston Redevelopment Authority produces profiles of the 15 largest immigrant groups in Boston

New study provides insights into the gender and intergenerational characteristics of Chinese immigrant households

Report from the National Immigration Forum spotlights model programs designed to help immigrants achieve their full economic potential

Are "low-skilled" immigrants really low-skilled?  Study questions the common assumption that educational level is a reliable indicator of worker skill

MPI report provides estimates for the lost earnings and tax revenues from the underemployment of high-skilled immigrants

Study estimates the costs to specific industries of a mass deportation strategy

Boston conducts survey of adults enrolled in 39 ESOL programs

MPI publishes study of two-generation programs serving immigrant families and identifies key program design elements

MPI publishes a set of 30 state data briefs detailing the sociodemographic characteristics of immigrant families with young children

MPI analyzes the limited English proficient population in the U.S.

Study traces the historical development of "lawful presence" as an in-between category, the growth in the number of people in this category, and the denial pf public benefits to them, leading to the danger of caste-like discrimination"

Essay critiques the concept of "wrongfulness" in cross-border migration and suggests other ways to justify the regularization of undocumented immigrants

National Immigration Forum stresses the importance of immigrant skill development and training in a newly-released policy paper

National Skills Coalition releases transition paper with detailed recommendations for the new administration on workforce education and training

MPI paper examines the history of border walls and questions their usefulness in stopping unauthorized migration

Research suggests that restrictive state laws on immigration are not effective in reducing the size of the undocumented population

Paper critiques the concept of "earned legalization" or "earned citizenship" and suggests that undocumented people should be viewed as an oppressed caste in American society

Blue Ribbon Panel of migration experts proposes a new bilateral worker agreement between the United States and Mexico

National Immigration Forum publishes blueprint for a bipartisan, "market-oriented," immigration reform plan

New American Economy publishes snapshot of immigrants in Lancaster County (PA)

New York State publishes portrait of its immigrant population

New data platform will greatly increse the amount of information available about immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S.

Why are immigrants more entrepreneurial? New research suggests that their cross-cultural experiences enable them to identify and pursue business opportunities

Paper questions the neglect of the learner's own language in teaching English

National Skills Coalition publishes Integrated Education and Training Toolkit

MPI paper reviews precedents and prospects for the free movement of people in South America

Aspen Institute paper calls for greater effort to help immigrants gain access to workforce training services and identifies key strategies to achieve this goal

What can be done to facilitate early employment for refugees and asylum seekers?  Report from the Transatlantic Council examines promising practices in Europe

Paper from the Transatlantic Council examines the feasibility of opening up regular migration channels to refugees

Report from Amnesty International faults the inaction of the United Nations General Assembly on apportioning member state responsibility for refugee relief and protection

MPI examines the role of immigrants in the military

Survey and report completed on the technology needs of immigrant rights and immigrant legal service organizations

American Immigration Council conducts first national study of the impact of legal representation on the disposition of deportation cases

Report from King County Task Force (Washington State) urges the formation of an Immigrant and Refugee Commission and associated office to promote immigrant integration

California Commission undertakes an analysis of licensing requirements for regulated professions

Welcoming America produces toolkits and other resources to build more accepting attitudes towards immigrants and refugees in local communities

MPI report exmines the funding streams for K-12 immigrant education and recommends strategies to achieve greater equity in the distribution of resources

Report points to the "outsized role" played by immigrant entrepreneurs in the U.S. economy

National Academies conducts a comprehensive review of the literature on the economic and fiscal impacts of immigration

CMS researcher questions accuracy of reported surge in U.S. immigrant arrivals

Allegheny County (PA) produces a "Blueprint" for immigrant integration over a 5-year period

MPI paper explores the policy and practice implications of the growing immigrant presence in Head Start programs

Study finds that participation in the DAC program "significantly reduced" the likelihood of college enrollment by DACA-eligible youth who had completed high school or earned a GED

Report finds that the DACA program reduced the likelihood of poverty among eligible immigrants by 38 percent

Study calls attention to a flaw in research showing poor health outcomes among the children and grandchildren of Mexican immigrants

Research from New American Economy stresses the role of immigrants in filig current and future shortages of health care workers in the U.S.

White paper suggests that immigrant welcome work can advance the goal of health equity

MPI publishes new data on naturalization trends in the United States

Cato examines the visa categories used by foreign-born terrorists over a 41-year period and does a cost-benefit analysis of proposals to curtail refugee, immigrant, or tourist admissions

UNHCR official offers blueprint for dealing with the world refugee crisis, including greater responsibility-sharing on the part of the world community

Essay describes how leaders in Germany and the United States are working together to promote welcoming communities

MPI examines funding mechanisms for immigrant education in Canada, France, Germany, and the United States

Committee for Immigration Reform Advocacy suggests steps that USCIS can take to improve the reach and effectiveness of the DACA Program

Report finds that use of the Optional Practical Training Program by international students has enhanced Michigan's economic competitiveness

What do we know about the people who support Donald Trump?  Gallup provides some answers that challenge the conventional wisdom

Report finds little evidence that the decrease in labor force participation by native-born Americans is the result of immigrants taking jobs and driving down wages

Report finds alarming evidence of disparities in mental health treatment for black and Hispanic children

Report finds that Internet use by Latinos, especially through mobile devices, has jumped to 84 percent

MPI paper seeks to understand Canada's success as an immigrant nation

IOM publishes second volume in its "Fatal Journeys" series looking at procedures for identifying and tracing dead and missing migrants

Paper critiques the concept of the "feminization of migration" and calls for greater methodological sophistication in studying gender factors in migration

Task Force examines the workforce needs of of high-skilled immigrants and immigrant entrepreneurs in New Jersey

Paper reviews the experiences of earlier U.S. immigrant groups and finds recuring pattern of "discrimination and oppression"

Report links spike in anti-Muslim violence in 2015 and 2016 to the heated rhetoric of Donald Trump and other candidates for president

Report finds pressing need for foreign-trained, immigrant health professionals to fill personnel shortages in the U.S. healthcare industry

Report released on the first year of a demonstration project to build effective partnerships between community colleges and community-based organizations to educate and train immigrant workers

President Emeritus of the Migration Policy Institute offers candid advice to political leaders on migration policy

George Mason University produces state fact sheets on immigration

Survey research suggests that the dissemination of accurate information about immigration can help to reduce biased attitudes and change policy preferences

MPI paper on public opinion in the UK advises government officials to pay careful attention to the concerns of the "anxious middle" on immigration policy

Fairfield University develops toolkit to help Catholic churches organize parish dialogues on immigration-related issues

MPI report compares the U.S. and European experience in integrating Muslim immigrants

Immigrant casino workers in Las Vegas, according to University of California report, allege widespread labor and safety violations

Paper from the American Action Forum measures the impact on specific industries of the removal of al undocumented immigrants from the U.S.

AHRQ reviews 37,000 English language studies dealing with the provision of "culturally appropriate health care"

USC report assesses the impact of the recently announced partial fee waiver for citizenship applications

MPI report analyzes the impact and "unfinished business" from the Immigration Act of 1990

With DACA and DAPA (and perhas the Trump candidacy) as the backdrop, legal scholar seeks to understand proper limits on the exercise of prosecutorial discretion

Study finds that refugees from Bosnia, Burma, Laos, and Somalia are successfully integrating into local U.S. communities

Partnership produces reports on the contributions of new Americans to the economies of each of the states and the District of Columbia

GCIR report urges Texas grantmakers to commit resources to the goal of immigrant and refugee integration

Report analyzes the contributions that immigrants and refugees are making to the local economy in Akron (OH)

According to New Jersey study, absence of legal representation in deportation proceedings leads to harsh consequences

MPI's advice to government officials on both sides of the Atlantic:  take action to address public anxiety over immigration

National Academy holds a roundtable to discuss progress and challenges in integrating health literacy, cultural competence, and language access services into the healthcare system

Brookings and PPRI conduct far-reaching survey of American attitudes on immigration

Using innovative methodology, CSI report analyzes the "eligble-to-naturalize" population in Los Angeles County

Report from MPI Europe urges governments to open up new migration channels for refugees to address a "displacement crisis of historic proportions"

Partnership for a New American Economy publishes "snapshots" of immigrant contributions to local economies in Salt Lake City, Cincinnati, Columbus, Denver, and Toledo

MPI report examines the challenges faced by refugee parents in Massachusetts in accessing high quality childcare and recommends steps to ease the problem

Immigration reform essential to the viability of the health care sector in the Midwest, according to report from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Paper argues that investments in adult ESOL classes will contribute to the overall economic health of New York City and State

Paper urges a more inclusive, immigrant-focusd approach to workforce development in New York City

Study finds that immigrants started half of all billion dollar start-up companies in the United States

Study analyzes the current and potential state and local tax contributions of undocumented immigrants

2015 American Values Atlas finds that 62 percent of Americans favor a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

MPI study finds that the children of refugees in the U.S. are "in the main, integrating successfully and achieving self-sufficiency"

Paper critiques the "skills gap" thesis in workforce education and urges the reintroduction of a social justice perspective in adult education

Study examines the factors associated with occupational injury or illness among immigrant day laborers

MPI paper sees advantages to both Germany and Turkey in the increased circularity of migration between the two countries

MPI and Urban Institute study shows how families with undocumented parents will improve their economic lot and lift a burden off their citizen children through participation in the DAPA program

Article analyzes the socio-economic characteristics of immigrants likely to benefit from the Obama Administration's executive action programs

Focusing on the tragic death of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco, scholar analyzes the use of coded racial narratives to advance restrictionist immigration policies

Report exposes the white nationalist roots of the immigration restriction movement in the U.S.

Pilot project explores how to increase the enrollment of refugee children in Head Start and other early childhood programs

RISE study tracks the progress made by refugees in integrating into the social, civic, and economic life of the State of Colorado

MPI report reviews initiatives to maximize the economic potential of skilled immigrants in both receiving and sending countries

AIC paper profiles promising programs to promote immigrant entrepreneurship in Chicago, Dayton, and Nashville

Paper reviews efforts to provide health insurance coverage to undocumented immigrants in California

MPI report examines the outflow of wealthy and highly skilled emigrants from China

Report finds that refugees are making significant economic contributions to the economy of central Ohio

Paper suggests that worksite immigration enforcement leads to a form of servitude outlawed by the 13th amendent to the Constitution

National Academies report draws lessons from other OECD coutries on how the U.S. can coninue to attract high skilled immigrants and remain competitive in the global economy

Stanford University report examines the state of Latino entrepreneurship in the U.S

Paper argues that it is difficult for female victims of domestic violence, who don't fit the prevailing stereotype of passive and helpless victims, to obtain asylum under U.S. law

Paper suggests tha the roots of "crimmigration" run deep in American history

New American Leaders Project analyzes imbalances in the representation of immigrants and minoritie in state legislatures

CAP report examnes the role of for-profit prison companies in influencing U.S. immigrant detention policies

MPI publishes a statistical portrait of current European immigrants to the U.S.

Urban Institute examines the preschool enrollment patterns of immigrant children in Silicon Valley and suggests ways to remove barriers to access

CMS report shows a continued drop in the U.S. undocumented population to 10.9 million in 2014 -- the lowest level since 2003

MPI paper recommends improvements in current procedures for measuring the effectiveness of border controls

Paper discusses major issues in immigration policy from an economic development perspective

White House Task Force on New Americans issues its one-year progress report

USC study examines the "quiet revolution" unfoldng in 63 cities with governmental bodies promoting immigrant integration

City of Auroa (CO) produces a three-year "comprehensive strategic plan" to fully engage immigrants in the civic, economic, and cultural life of the community

OneAmerica produces report on foreign-educated immigrants in Washington State

MPI paper examines the root causes of the world refugee protection crisis and calls for the development of more "comprehensive" policy solutions

Transatlantic Council paper examines the "brain drain" of educated Europeans to other countries

2015 report from the International Organization for Migration looks at the intersection of migration and urbanization

Bipartisan Policy Center report estimates the budgetary impact of various immigration reform proposals and urges an "all of the above" approach

PEW study finds that 1 million Mexicans left the U.S. over the last 5 years, reducing the Mexican population from 12.8 million to 11.7 million

IOM paper examines strategies for immigrant inclusion in U.S. Cities

Report analyzes the economic contributions and potential of African immigrants in Minnesota

Keynote address by David A. Martin puts forward the "enigma principle" in refugee protection

Transatlantic Council on Migration calls for reform of the global refugee protection system

Urban Institute report analyzes the role of employers in advancing immigrant integration

IOM surveys world public opinion on immigration

Paper argues that international human rights law fails to provide protections for undocumented immigrants

Study attempts to understand the banking and credit habits of undocumented immigrants

What explains the "healthy immigrant effect?" New study attempts to determine the role of government immigrant admission policy?

Joyce Foundation publishes an evaluation of the "Shifting Gears" program designed to help adult education students transition to post-secondary education and gain employment-related credentials

MPI publishes an analysis of the unauthorized population by country and region of birth, showing changing trends over time, distribution of specific groups by state, and participation rates in the DACA program

MPI analyzes DACA renewal statistics and suggests why some immigrants have refrained from renewing

CIRI estimates the cost of providing legal and related services to immigrants eligible for the expanded DACA and DAPA programs

The Building Integrated Communities Project of the University of North Carolina releases report on immigrant integration challenges in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, NC

USC study urges San Diego leaders to address growing social inequities, including the marginalization of immigrants, to permit the city to thrive in the 21st century

MPI report examines the nature, extent and consequences of discrimination directed at immigrant children

Study finds weak relationship between immigrant educational levels and the educational attainment of their children

IMPRINT surveys over 5,000 foreign-educated immigrant professionals in an effort to identify the factors associated with career success in the U.S.

Urban Institute conducts comprehensive review of the literature on the impact of parental deportation on the well-being of immigrant children

Urban Institute study shows that supportive parenting practices, i.e. those designed to promote children's social and cognitive development, vary by immigrants' country and region of background

Paper from the Transatlantic Council on Migration calls for new approaches in responding to the forced displacement of people

Paper makes the case for "resolute enforcement" of the nation's immigration laws in order to sustain a generous immigration policy

MPI examines the effectiveness of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program in integrating refugees

American Immigration Council publishes report on "The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States"

Welcoming America publishes 92-page "Guide to Immigrant Economic Development"

Paper assers that new forms of racism hide behind "English-only" policies and that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not provide sufficient protection for language minorities

Report from Brookings analyzes the lessons learned from the implementation of the  DACA program and how they may apply to DAPA and other future immigration reform initiatives targeting the undocumented

Scholars argue that the "California Package" of pro-immigrant state legislation creates a "de facto" form of state citizenship

Report marshals evidence to show that the life chances of citizen children are seriously jeopardized when one or more of their parents are undocumented

Pittsburgh publishes its "Welcoming Pittsburgh Plan" to improve the quality of life for both foreign-born and native-born city residents

Survey finds that Nashville business leaders see connection between Nashville's economic success and its efforts to welcome and integrate immigrants

MPI publishes demographic analysis of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants in the U.S.

Kauffman Foundation report finds that immigrants now account for 28.5 percent of all new entrepreneurs in the U.S.

MPI Report analyzes the extent to which European governments have been successful in "mainstreaming" immigrant integration

Survey reveals the extent to which library systems in the U.S. are "welcoming" to immigrants

On the 50th anniversary of the Immigration Act of 1965, scholars discuss its impact on America

Paper asks whether the nation's failed experiment with Prohibition has lessons for today's immigration policy makers

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops releases nine-point plan for reform of the U.S. immigration detention system

Bipartisan Policy Center report calls for "an objective set of comprehensive, performance-based outcome measures" for determining the success or failure of immigration enforcement policies

Report suggests that legalization of undocumented immigrants will substantially increase state and local tax revenue

Cato study finds no evidence that immigrants from poor or authoritarian countries undermine the values and institutions supporting "economic freedom" in host countries

The WE Global Network publishes a compendium of successful economic development strategies utilizing immigrants

Report from NJ Policy Perspective suggests that most undocumented students in NJ need access to state financial aid to continue their education

Paper challenges popular assumptions about the origin of restrictions on social welfare benefits for undocumented immigrants

Study ranks states by their efforts to favorably influence the social determinants of health for undocumented immigrants

MPI publishes profile of the Cuban immigrant population in the U.S.

Ford Foundation-funded study profiles the undocumented college student population, describes obstacles to their educational success, and identifies policies and practices to overcome these obstacles

Pew reports that a "rising share" (now 8.7 percent) of the U.S. black population is foreign-born

Pew report finds shifts in the occupational distribution of unauthorized immigrant workers since the Great Recession of 2007

MPI produces demographic portrait of immigrants in Houston and estimates the number of people potentially in need of immigration legal services, either to naturalize or to qualify for relief through executive action

Research reveals important changes in the size and composition of the unauthorized immigrant population, including a sharp decline in Mexican arrivals since 2000 and the fact that the majority of new unauthorized arrivals are now people who overstayed visas

Report released on North Carolina's 2014 "Summit for Cities and Towns" working on immigrant integration

MPI report discusses the evolving policy of the Chinese government towards immigrants

Study finds that the deportation of all undocumented workers would reduce U.S. GDP by $1.6 trillion

Study finds that future U.S. labor force growth will depend on Hispanic immigration and the size of the Hispanic workforce

Study from the William T. Grant Foundation analyzes the state of current research on policies and practices to reduce inequality for immigrant-origin children and youth

Vera Institute produces field guide for local law enforcement agencies interested in working effectively with Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian communities

National Skills Coalition calls for an educational path to legalization that is compatible with the manpower needs of the American economy and that provides adequate resources for implementation

MPI analyzes the competencies of adults in the U.S. "through an immigrant lens"

Study of low-income Hispanic families suggests that nativity, I.e. whether parents are immigrants or US-born, makes an important difference

New research suggests that high fees are discouraging the working poor from applying for naturalization

Study finds that deportees will risk harsh penalties to return to families in the United States

Study questions the claim that immigration detention is "non-punitive" in nature

Paper advances a "modest proposal" for immigration reform: move up the registry date to 2009